Журнал СФУ. Математика и физика. Journal of SibFU. Mathematics & Physics
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ESSN 2313-6022 (электронное издание), ISSN 1997-1397 (печатное издание)
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Weighted Analogue of LBB Conditions for Solving the Stokes Problem with Model Boundary Conditions in a Domain with Singularity
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2025-02)In the paper the concept of a Rν -generalized solution for the Stokes problem with model boundary conditions in a domain with a corner singularity is defined. Weighted analogue of the Ladyzhenskaya-Babuska-Brezzi conditions ... -
On some Commutative and Idempotent Finite Groupoids Associated with Subnets of Multilayer Feedforward Neural Networks
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2025-02)The work studies commutative and idempotent finite groupoids that are associated with subnetworks of multilayer feedforward neural networks (hereinafter simply neural networks). Previously, the concept of a neural network ... -
On Weakly Contractions Via w-distances
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2025-02)In this article, we will check whether the known results remain valid if the metric d is replaced by the w-distance p. we show that in some contractive conditions where w-distance p participates instead of metric d, ... -
On the Aris-Amundson model
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2025-02)The work is devoted to the study of the real roots of the system of transcendental Aris– Amundson equations. It is shown that the number of real roots is related to the number of real roots of some entire function ... -
On Spectra and Minimal Polynomials in Finite Semifields
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2025-02)We apply the notion of a one-side-ordered minimal polynomial to investigations in finite semifields. A proper finite semifield has non-associative multiplication, that leads to the anomalous properties of its left and ... -
Existence of Bianchi type Cosmological Phantom universe with Polytropic EoS Parameter in Lyra’s Geometry
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2025-02)This study explores the Bianchi type-V cosmological model with in the frame work of general relativity, featuring a perfect fluid governed by the polytropic equation in Lyra’s Geometry, expressed p = αρ + kρn, as proposed ... -
Model of Receiving Channels of an Adaptive Antenna Array to Assess the Impact of Differences in their Characteristics on the Efficiency of Interference Suppression
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2025-02)The article proposes a mathematical model that allows us to evaluate the impact of differences in the characteristics of reception channels on the quality of noise suppression in radio devices equipped with antenna ... -
A Novel Protocol for Cell Nanomechanical Assay combined with Rapid Protein Profiling Via AFM-LSM Pattern Colocalization
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2025-02)The cell mechanical assay has emerged as a powerful approach to studying cellular behav- ior and protein dynamics. This work presents the novel protocol that combines cell nanomechanical assay with rapid protein expression ... -
Solving Cauchy Problem for Elasticity Equations in a Plane Dynamic Case
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2025-02)Equations of elasticity in a plane dynamic case are considered in this paper. The system of equations is replaced by system of first-order differential equations with the same solution. The solution-equivalent system is ... -
Characteristic Determinant of a Perturbed Regular Third-order Differential Operator on an Interval
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2025-02)The spectral problem for a third-order operator with an integral perturbation of one of the boundary value conditions are considered in the paper. Conditions are regular and at the same time strongly regular. A feature ... -
Wave Propagation in a Blocky-layered Medium with Thin Interlayers
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2025-02)In this paper, a mathematical model of a blocky-layered medium is studied. Deformable elastic blocks and thin elastic and viscoelastic interlayers are considered. Viscoelasticity is taken into account to describe wave ... -
Global Solvability of a Kernel Determination Problem in 2D Heat Equation with Memory
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2025-02)The inverse problem of determining two dimensional kernel in the integro-differential heat equation is considered in this paper. The kernel depends on the time variable t and space variable x. Assuming that kernel function ... -
Diffusion and Electromigration of Ions – Products of the Proton Exchange Reaction in a Benzoic Acid Melt
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2025-02)The work is devoted to a numerical study of the transport of proton exchange reaction products in a benzoic acid melt after the interaction of its molecules with a lithium niobate crystal. Due to dissociative adsorption ... -
Certain Integral Formulas Involving Products of Two Incomplete Beta Functions
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2025-02)The aim of this paper is to obtain some integral formulas involving products of two incomplete beta functions in terms of general triple hypergeometric series and Kamp´e de F´eriet function. Some new particular integral ... -
Diagnostics of Escherichia coli Using Fabry-Perot Interference in Silicon Nanostructures of Various Morphologies
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2024-12)This paper explores the potential for diagnosing bacterial presence in biological fluids using Fabry–Perot interference in silicon nanostructures with different morphologies. It compares the bacterial detection capabilities ... -
Design of Aptamer Sandwich Pairs for Colorimetric Detection of TNFa, Interleukin-17A and Dickkopf-1 Proteins Associated with Ankylosing Spondylitis
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2024-12)We employed DNA and 2’-fluoro RNA aptamers to assembly novel systems for colorimetric microplate detection of TNFa, interleukin-17A and Dickkopf-1 proteins as biomarkers associated with ankylosing spondylitis. For each ... -
SAXS structure studies of the aptamer to the Oncolytic Virus VV-GMCSF-Lact
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2024-12)Oncolytic viral therapy is a relatively young but rapidly developing area in cancer therapy. Some viruses can be used to combat cancer cells due to their cytotoxic action, but it is desirable to inhibit the influence of ... -
Verification of a Numerical Method for Modeling Two-phase Flows of Immiscible Liquids with the Transfer of Modifying Additives in Three-dimensional Digital Core Models
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2024-12)This paper presents the results of development and testing of the calculation method and software for modeling two-phase immiscible flows in three-dimensional digital core models taking into account the transfer of ... -
Structure Determination of the Pb2+-specific GT Aptamer Using SAXS and Molecular Modeling Methods
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2024-12)Aptamer GT conjugated with gold nanoparticles is specific for heavy metal ions and can be used for water quality control and environmental monitoring. Circular dichroism (CD) and small- angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) ... -
Magnetic Particles as a Carrier to Select Aptamer for Survivin (BIRC5), a Low Molecular Weight Protein Tumor Marker
(Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2024-12)Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles modified with aminosiloxane ( -Fe2O3@SiO2-NH2) were used as a carrier to select DNA aptamers for a small protein tumor biomarker survivin (BIRC5, 16.5 kDa) from a randomized synthetic ...