Математика и физика. Mathematics & Physics. 2023 16 (6)
Ресурсы коллекции
Study of Magnetic Anisotropy of Cobalt Films Separated by a Copper Layer Depending on the Thickness of the Layers
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023-12)This work is devoted to the numerical study of the magnetic properties of the Co/Cu/Co system using the VASP software package. The influence of the contributions of magnetocrystalline anisotropy and shape anisotropy on ... -
On the Non-standard Interpolations in Cn and Combinatorial Coefficients for Weil Polyhedra
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023-12)Multidimensional non-standard interpolation has been recently presented in an article by D. Alpay and A. Yger. We are talking about algebraic interpolation where discrete roots of a system of polynomial equations serve ... -
Scaling Behavior of Complex Low-dimensional Spin Systems
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023-12)We studied the non-equilibrium properties of spin-valve structures like a main elements of spintronics. We observed the aging effects in non-equilibrium critical behavior like a two-time dependence of measurement quantities: ... -
Manifestation of Slow Dynamics in Multilayer Nanostructures with Different Thicknesses of Magnetic Films
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023-12)The results of a numerical Monte Carlo study of the behavior of a trilayer nanostructure with magnetization oriented in the film plane with ferromagnetic film thicknesses N = 3 and 21 MLs are pre- sented. The non-equilibrium ... -
Changes of the Fermi Surface Topology in the Three-orbital Model for Iron Pnictides with the Spin-orbit Coupling
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023-12)Effect of the spin-orbit coupling on the band structure and the Fermi surface of the three- orbital model is studied. The inter-orbital part of the model is reformulated to fully conform with the iron lattice symmetry. ... -
Fermion Parity of Phases Supporting Multiple Majorana Modes in a Superconducting Nanowire
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023-12)The fermion parity of the ground state is determined in various topological phases of the semiconducting nanowire under external magnetic field with proximity-induced superconductivity and strong spin-orbit interaction. ... -
Symmetry Analysis of Radial Profiles of Magnetic Skyrmions
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023-12)The search for analytical profiles of chiral magnetic structures such as 2D magnetic skyrmions (MS) is important for their theoretical study. Since the Euler–Lagrange (EL) equations for such excita- tions are not solved ... -
On the Closedness of Carpets of Additive Subgroups Associated With a Chevalley Group Over a Commutative Ring
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023-12)Let A = {Ar | r ∈ Φ} be a carpet of additive subgroups of type Φ over an arbitrary commu- tative ring K. A sufficient condition for the carpet A to be closed is established. As a corollary, we obtain a positive answer ... -
A Multifaceted Approach to Forming Mathematical Digital Competency of Future Engineers in Teaching Applied Mathematics
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023-12)The paper deals with the problem of forming mathematical digital competency of engineering students. Authors suggest a comprehensive approach to solve the problem which is implemented in a course of applied mathematics ... -
Study of Trapped Magnetic Field Relaxation in a Cylindrical Micron-Sized HTS
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023-12)Relaxation curves of a cylindrical Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8-δ superconductor several microns in di- ameter have been calculated by means of the Monte Carlo method within the model of a layered high- temperature superconductor in ... -
First-principles Calculations of the Exchange Coupling Constants for an Iron Film
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023-12)First-principles calculations of the energy and magnetic characteristics of Fe films on Cr substrates are carried out with the use of the VASP software package in PAW PBE approximation. The exchange interaction parameters ... -
Linear Autotopism Subgroups of Semifield Projective Planes
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023-12)We investigate the well-known hypothesis of D. R. Hughes that the full collineation group of non-Desarguesian semifield projective plane of a finite order is solvable (the question 11.76 in Kourovka notebook was written ... -
Lang-Firsov Transformation in the Generalized Tight-binding Method
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023-12)The effects of strong electron-phonon interaction in a realistic model of a system with strong Coulomb correlations are analyzed using the Lang and Firsov transformation. It is shown that polaronic and bipolaronic ... -
Magnetization and Flux Capture in a Superconducting Ring Made of High-Tc 2G Tape
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023-12)This article presents a theoretical examination of magnetization processes and magnetic flux capturing in a superconducting ring. Additionally, experimental investigations of magnetic flux trapping in a ring made of ... -
Mellin Transforms for Rational Functions with Quasi-elliptic Denominators
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023-12)The paper deals with residue representations of n–dimensional Mellin transforms for rational functions with quasi-elliptic denominators. These representations are given by integrals over (n − 1)- dimensional relative ...