Гуманитарные науки. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2013 6 (4)
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Управление ресурсами и сопротивление молодежи в дельте Нигера в Нигерии
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2013-04)Resources Control and Youth restiveness in the Niger Delta is a contentious issue in Nigeria. The exploitation and exploration of petroleum in the Niger Delta is posing great threat to the life of the people. Hence, the ... -
Об электоральном поведении избирателей России
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2013-04)Some preliminary results towards the clusterization of voters inhabiting various regions of Russia are described; the clusterization is based on the homology of the electoral behaviour. The clusters were identified with ... -
О научном и религиозном мировоззрении в современном мире
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2013-04)Article is devoted to relations of religion and science in the sphere of world outlook. The author characterized fundamental ideas of religious world outlook and compared it with scientific views about the world and men ... -
«Вперёд к. Розову!» (Дихотомия «встреча – прощание» в русской драме конца ХХ – начала ХХI в.)
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2013-04)The article deals with the prospects for contemporary dramaturgy of inheritance of traditions of Russian psychological drama of 1950-1970, particularly its special kins realized through the dichotomy “meeting-farewell”. ... -
Образ матери в романной трилогии И.А. Гончарова: типология и функции
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2013-04)The image of the mother in the novels «The Ordinary Story», «Oblomov», «The Precipice» by I.A. Goncharov is analyzed, there are two basic types of mothers, and their functions are denoted in the article. The character of ... -
Когнитивные сценарии обмана и их дискурсивная реализация
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2013-04)The implication of this research for anthropological and cognitive linguistics is, first and most generally, that more attention should be given to the interactional basis of communication. Understanding of deception goes ... -
Между верой и законом: старые-новые вызовы современному искусству
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2013-04)Recent reports about cultural events, coming from Russia and abroad, lead us to the conviction that we face the conflict between art and its audience with a trend of restrictions of the freedom of artistic expression. This ... -
Организационно-методическое сопровождение учебного процесса студентов-заочников на основе дистанционных образовательных технологий
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2013-04)The authors describe the experience in realizing organizational and methodical support of the academic process for extra-mural department students on the basis of distant education technologies in LMS Moodle. -
Оценка эластичности стоимости бизнеса как инструмент анализа факторов развития предприятия (на примере Ачинского глиноземного комбината)
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2013-04)The business value models have found a wide application in the modern management of organization. They also can be applied to analyzing the technological efficiency based on the value elasticity coefficients. Some Russian ... -
Социокультурная реабилитация лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья: практический аспект (на примере Торгово-экономического института ФГАОУ ВПО СФУ)
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2013-04)People with disabilities need appropriate educational structure. Therefore, obtaining an inclusive vocational disability is a factor in its successful social adaptation. Moreover, the creation of conditions for the most ... -
Философская антропология и проблема целостности государства
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2013-04)Full development of the problem of Entirety of the State and variability of its parts requires synthesis of knowledge obtained from philosophy, philosophical anthropology, cultural studies, political science, theory of ... -
Особенности формирования языковой культуры специалиста в свете концептуальных положений коммуникативно-информационного развития
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2013-04)The article considers components of the (foreign language, professional and information) general culture of a specialist, the content of components and functions of the foreign language culture. -
Русская кухня в англоязычных путеводителях по России
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2013-04)The article focuses on the xenonymic Russianisms, one of the major issues of interlinguoculturology, a comparatively new linguistic discipline, which studies language in its secondary cultural orientation. In this article ... -
Оппозиция мужских персонажей романа Б. Пастернака «Доктор Живаго»: красота или свобода
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2013-04)Beauty for Boris Pasternak is linked to nature images, female images, and art aspects. In Pasternak’s works all these concepts are made closer on the basis of perception of vitality, life energy – a starting point in every ... -
Косвенные речевые акты в аргументативных сегментах текста
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2013-04)This article studies the problem of indirect speech acts realization in argumentative text segments. Moreover, while analyzing the interaction of speech acts and formation of indirect speech acts, it is necessary to apply ... -
Торговля людьми: концептуальная основа
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2013-04)Human trafficking, an illicit form of migration which involves transnational crime syndicates, is resulting into human rights abuses at global level. The present article is an attempt to analyze theoretical postulations ...