Recent Submissions

  • A Perturbation of the de Rham Complex 

    Malass, Ihsane; Tarkhanov, Nikolai; Малас, Исан; Тарханов, Николай (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2020-09)
    We consider a perturbation of the de Rham complex on a compact manifold with boundary. This perturbation goes beyond the framework of complexes, and so cohomology does not apply to it. On the other hand, its curvature ...
  • On a Transmission Problem Related to Models of Electrocardiology 

    Shefer, Yulia L.; Шефер, Юлия Л. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2020-09)
    We consider a generalization of a transmission problem for matrix elliptic operators related to mathematical models of cardiology. We find sufficient conditions when the approach developed for scalar elliptic operators ...
  • On the Equationally Artinian Groups 

    Shahryari, Mohammad; Tayyebi, Javad; Шахрияри, Мохаммад; Тайеби, Джавад (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2020-09)
    In this article, we study the property of being equationally Artinian in groups. We define the radical topology corresponding to such groups and investigate the structure of irreducible closed sets of these topologies. ...
  • Finite Difference Schemes for Modelling the Propagation of Axisymmetric Elastic Longitudinal Waves 

    Sadovskii, Vladimir M.; Sadovskaya, Oxana V.; Efimov, Evgenii A.; Садовский, Владимир М.; Садовская, Оксана В.; Ефимов, Евгений А. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2020-09)
    An efficient finite difference shock-capturing scheme for the solution of direct seismic problems is constructed. Problem formulation is based on equations of the dynamics of elastic medium with axial symmetry. When ...
  • On the Differentiation in the Privalov Classes 

    Rodikova, Eugenia G.; Shamoyan, Faizo A.; Родикова, Евгения Г.; Шамоян, Файзо А (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2020-09)
    The invariance of the Privalov classes with respect to the differentiation operator is studied
  • On Initial Boundary Value Problem for Parabolic Differential Operator with Non-coercive Boundary Conditions 

    Polkovnikov, Alexander N.; Полковников, Александр Н. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2020-09)
    We consider initial boundary value problem for uniformly 2-parabolic differential operator of second order in cylinder domain in Rn with non-coercive boundary conditions. In this case there is a loss of smoothness of the ...
  • Experimental and Numerical Study of Free Convection Heat Transfer Around the Junction of Circular Cylinder and Heated Vertical Plate 

    Malah, Hamid; Chumakov, Yurii S.; Малах, Хамид; Чумаков, Юрий С. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2020-09)
    The present study investigates the effects of a circular cylinder on the three-dimensional characteristics of free convective heat transfer. The circular cylinder is mounted horizontally on a heated vertical plate and ...
  • Layered Motion of Two Immiscible Liquids with a Free Boundary 

    Lemeshkova, Elena N.; Лемешкова, Елена Н. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2020-09)
    The unidirectional motion of two viscous immiscible incompressible liquids in a flat channel is studied. An unsteady temperature gradient is set on the bottom solid wall, and the upper wall is a free boundary. Liquids ...
  • Relationship Between the Bergman and Cauchy-Szeg¨o Ker- nels in the Domains + (n -1) and ℜn I V 

    Khudayberganov, Gulmirza Kh.; Abdullayev, Jonibek Sh.; Худайберганов, Гулмирза Х.; Абдуллаев, Жонибек Ш. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2020-09)
    In this paper, a connection has been established between the Bergman and Cauchy-Szeg¨o kernels using the biholomorphic equivalence of the domains + (n -1) and the Lie ball ℜn I V . Moreover, integral representations ...
  • Nonlocal Problem for a Three-dimensional Elliptic Equation with Singular Coefficients in a Rectangular Parallelepiped 

    Karimov, Kamoliddin T.; Каримов, Камолиддин Т. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2020-09)
    The nonlocal problem for an elliptic equation with two singular coefficients in a rectangular parallelepiped is studied. The uniqueness of the solution of the problem is proved with the use of the method of energy ...
  • On a Problem that Does not Have Basis Property of Root Vectors, Associated with a Perturbed Regular Operator of Multiple Differentiation 

    Imanbaev, Nurlan S.; Иманбаев, Нурлан С. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2020-09)
    A spectral problem for a multiple differentiation operator with integral perturbation of boundary value conditions which are regular but not strongly regular is considered in the paper. The feature of the problem is the ...
  • Baranchick-type Estimators of a Multivariate Normal Mean Under the General Quadratic Loss Function 

    Hamdaoui, Abdenour; Benkhaled, Abdelkader; Terbeche, Mekki; Хамдауи, Абденур; Бенхалед, Абделькадер; Тербече, Мекки (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2020-09)
    The problem of estimating the mean of a multivariate normal distribution by different types of shrinkage estimators is investigated. We established the minimaxity of Baranchick-type estimators for identity covariance ...

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