Comparative analysis of new sport types – Potential candidates for inclusion in the winter olympic games
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URI (для ссылок/цитирований):
Bliznevskiy A. U.
Porteous B.
Kvåle H. J.
Bliznevskaya, V. S.
Nemec M.
Ermakov S. S.
Kudryavtsev, M. D.
Коллективный автор:
Институт физической культуры, спорта и туризма
Торгово-экономический институт
Кафедра теории и методики спортивных дисциплин
Кафедра физической культуры
Кафедра валеологии
Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES)Квартиль журнала в Scopus:
Q2Библиографическое описание:
Bliznevskiy A. U. . Comparative analysis of new sport types – Potential candidates for inclusion in the winter olympic games [Текст] / Bliznevskiy A. U. , Porteous B. , Kvåle H. J. , V. S. Bliznevskaya, Nemec M. , Ermakov S. S. , M. D. Kudryavtsev // Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES). — 2016. — № 4. — С. 1334-1339Аннотация:
The aim of this analysis is to compare and to assess modern sport
types and to define one of them as the most
suitable for inclusion in the program of the Olympic Winter
Games(OWG). Material: as the object of study most
suitable sport types were chosen in accordance with the existing
criteria for the assessment of the International
Olympic Committee. Five of these sports are the
disciplines that are practiced in winter and are eligible
inclusion in the OWG. Methods: on the first stage by selection
method we defined the list of suitable sport types
for inclusion in the OWG. On the second stage by comparison
method we evaluated their potential, using the
existing IOC criteria. Results: the list of sports was educed
(for the present day), which formally have the right to
be considered for inclusion in the program of the OWG; it is
estimated that in accordance with paragraph 29 of
the Olympic Charter, national sports federations of sports
candidates for the OWG must be included in the
National Olympic Committees of the countries and international
bodies, and also must be the members of the
Association of Recognized IOC International Sports Federations
(ARISF). Thirty five sport types, governed by
corresponding international sports federations and included in
the ARISF, were analyzed. It is stated that five of
these sports are disciplines that are practiced and may have a
chance of being included in the OWG. We came to
conclusion that in terms of international recognition the best
position is awarded to ski orienteering since that
sport type is already part of several significant multisport
events that cannot be applied to other sport types under
consideration. Conclusions: as a result of ranking ski
orienteering has the highest potential as the most popular
sport having the best coverage in the media and the most
convenient for carrying out competitions on existing
winter biathlon stadiums or tracks
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