Control of spacecraft waveguide dynamic behavior by means of support arrangement
URI (for links/citations):
Кудрявцев, Илья Владимирович
Брунгардт, Максим Валерьевич
Никитина, Светлана Николаевна
Колотов, Андрей Иванович
Рабецкая, Ольга Ивановна
Corporate Contributor:
Политехнический институт
Кафедра прикладной механики
Кафедра конструкторско-технологического обеспечения машиностроительных производств
2020Journal Name:
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and EngineeringJournal Quartile in Scopus:
без квартиляJournal Quartile in Web of Science:
без квартиляBibliographic Citation:
Кудрявцев, Илья Владимирович. Control of spacecraft waveguide dynamic behavior by means of support arrangement [Текст] / Илья Владимирович Кудрявцев, Максим Валерьевич Брунгардт, Светлана Николаевна Никитина, Андрей Иванович Колотов, Ольга Ивановна Рабецкая // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Т. 862 (№ 2).Abstract:
The most important parameters that determine the dynamic behavior of the
waveguide in orbit are the first natural vibration frequency and the critical compressive force at
which the stability of the waveguide structure is lost. This paper deals with the selection of the
type and location of the outermost and intermediate supports for a single waveguide between
two microwave units to provide the required values of the first natural vibration frequency and
critical compressive force. The most common support arrangement schemes and their
corresponding coefficients for equations defining the first natural frequency and minimum
critical compressive force are given. For the calculation, the analytical dependencies of beam
vibration theory and stability theory are used, which allowed to obtain simple equations and to
comprehensively assess the influence of various factors on the obtained results. The results can
be used in the design of any extended structures to ensure their dynamic behavior by means of
support arrangement.