Recursive algorithm for exhaustive search of possible multiversion software realizations with the choice of the optimal versions set
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Царев, Р. Ю.
Грузенкин, Д. В.
Гришина, Г. В.
Коллективный автор:
Институт космических и информационных технологий
Институт филологии и языковой коммуникации
Кафедра информатики
Кафедра иностранных языков для инженерных направлений
Advances in Intelligent Systems and ComputingКвартиль журнала в Scopus:
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Царев, Р. Ю. Recursive algorithm for exhaustive search of possible multiversion software realizations with the choice of the optimal versions set [Текст] / Р. Ю. Царев, Д. В. Грузенкин, Г. В. Гришина // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. — 2018. — Т. 763. — С. 30-36Аннотация:
N-version software is used all over the world as one of the approaches that can provide with the high level of reliability and software fault tolerance. The application of redundant module versions of software allows to obtain a correct result even if there is an error in the separate module versions. However, the program redundancy that can increase software reliability needs extra resources. It results in an optimization problem. There is a necessity for a certain variant of multiversion software realization i.e. such a modules versions set is required that demands less resources and guarantees high level of reliability simultaneously. The exhaustive search of all possible multiversion software realizations is carried out by the recursive algorithm proposed in the article.
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