Nanoagroparticles emerging trends and future prospect in modern agriculture system
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URI (для ссылок/цитирований):
Syed, Baker
Tatiana, Volova
Svetlana V. Prudnikova
Satish, S.
Nagendra Prasad, M. N.
Коллективный автор:
Институт фундаментальной биологии и биотехнологии
Базовая кафедра биотехнологии
Environmental Toxicology and PharmacologyКвартиль журнала в Scopus:
Q2Квартиль журнала в Web of Science:
Q2Библиографическое описание:
Syed, Baker. Nanoagroparticles emerging trends and future prospect in modern agriculture system [Текст] / Baker Syed, Volova Tatiana, Svetlana V. Prudnikova, S. Satish, M. N. Nagendra Prasad // Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. — 2017. — Т. 53. — С. 10-17Аннотация:
Increment of technical knowledge has remarkably uplifted logical thinking among scientific communities to shape the theoretical concepts into near product-oriented research. The concept of nanotechnology has overwhelmed almost all forms of lives and has traded its applications in myriad fields. Despite rapid expansion of nanotechnology, sustainable competitions still do exist in the field of agriculture. In current scenario, agriculture is a manifestation demand to provide adequate nutrition for relentless growing global population. It is estimated that nearly one-third of the global crop production is destroyed annually. The loss owes to various stresses such as pest infestation, microbial pathogens, weeds, natural calamities, lack of soil fertility and much more. In order to overcome these limitations, various technological strategies are implemented but a majority of these have their own repercussions. Hence there is a scrawling progress on the evaluation of nanoparticles into agriculture sector which can reform the modern agricultural system. Applications of these nanomaterials can add tremendous value in the current scenario of a global food scarcity. Nanotechnology can address the adverse effects posed by the abundant use of chemical agrochemicals which are reported to cause biomagnification in an ecosystem. Based on these facts and consideration, present review envisages on nanoparticles as nanoherbicides, nanopesticides, onsite detection agro-pathogens and nanoparticles in post harvest management. The review also elucidates on the importance of nanoparticles in soil fertility, irrigation management and its influence on improving crop yield. With scanty reports available on nanotechnology in agriculture system, present review attributes toward developing nanoagroparticles as the future prospect which can give new facelift for existing agriculture system.