Stabilization of calibration metrological characteristics of technological inspection tools
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URI (для ссылок/цитирований):
Petrovsky, Ed.
Bukhtoyarov, V.
Savitskaya, S.
Коллективный автор:
Институт нефти и газа
Кафедра технологических машин и оборудования нефтегазового комплекса
Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM), International Conference onКвартиль журнала в Scopus:
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Petrovsky, Ed. Stabilization of calibration metrological characteristics of technological inspection tools [Текст] / Ed. Petrovsky, V. Bukhtoyarov, S. Savitskaya // Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM), International Conference on. — 2017.Аннотация:
The paper presents analysis of the results of 873 template measurements used for inspection in wagon depo. The data obtained were analyzed to confirm the stability of inspection results. It is shown that the measurement and determination of the final result by calculating the average value lead to misleading results. Random factors affecting measurements are also presented. The subjective factor in this process is supplied from the calibrator. To make measurement process more stable, we need to reduce the effect of these factors. One of the ways to improve measurement process and make it more stable is its automatization. Improving the accuracy of measurements is one of the main objectives concerning this issue.