Sex determines xylem anatomy in a dioecious conifer: hydraulic consequences in a drier world
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URI (для ссылок/цитирований):
José M. Olano
Noelia, González-Muñoz
Alberto, Arzac
Vicente, Rozas
Georg, Von Arx
Sylvain, Delzon
Ana I. García-Cervigón
Коллективный автор:
Институт экологии и географии
Laboratory of Biogeochemestry of Ecosystems
Tree PhysiologyКвартиль журнала в Scopus:
Q1Квартиль журнала в Web of Science:
Q1Библиографическое описание:
José M. Olano. Sex determines xylem anatomy in a dioecious conifer: hydraulic consequences in a drier world [Текст] / José M. Olano, González-Muñoz Noelia, Arzac Alberto, Rozas Vicente, Von Arx Georg, Delzon Sylvain, Ana I. García-Cervigón // Tree Physiology. — 2017. — Т. 1. — С. 1-10Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.
Increased drought frequency and severity may reshape tree species distribution in arid environments. Dioecious tree species may
be more sensitive to climate warming if sex-related vulnerability to drought occurs, since lower performance of one sex may drive
differential stress tolerance, sex-related mortality rates and biased sex ratios. We explored the effect of sex and environment on
branch hydraulic (hydraulic conductivity and vulnerability to embolism) and trunk anatomical traits in both sexes of the dioecious
conifer Juniperus thurifera L. at two sites with contrasting water availability. Additionally, we tested for a trade-off between
hydraulic safety (vulnerability to embolism) and efficiency (hydraulic conductivity). Vulnerability to embolism and hydraulic conductivity
were unaffected by sex or site at branch level. In contrast, sex played a significant role in xylem anatomy. We found a
trade-off between hydraulic safety and efficiency, with larger conductivities related to higher vulnerabilities to embolism. At the
anatomical level, females’ trunk showed xylem anatomical traits related to greater hydraulic efficiency (higher theoretical hydraulic
conductivity) over safety (thinner tracheid walls, lower Mork’s Index), whereas males’ trunk anatomy followed a more conservative
strategy, especially in the drier site. Reconciling the discrepancy between branch hydraulic function and trunk xylem anatomy
would require a thorough and integrated understanding of the tree structure–function relationship at the whole-plant level.
Nevertheless, lower construction costs and higher efficiency in females’ xylem anatomy at trunk level might explain the previously
observed higher growth rates in mesic habitats. However, prioritizing efficiency over safety in trunk construction might make
females more sensitive to drought, endangering the species’ persistence in a drier world.
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