Ensuring a possibility of high quality training of students as sports volunteers for competitions in terms of organizing and running Universiade - 2019
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Osipov, Aleksander
Vonog, Vita
Corporate Contributor:
Институт физической культуры, спорта и туризма
Кафедра физической культуры
2016-06Journal Name:
Journal of Physical Education and SportJournal Quartile in Scopus:
Q2Bibliographic Citation:
Osipov, Aleksander. Ensuring a possibility of high quality training of students as sports volunteers for competitions in terms of organizing and running Universiade - 2019 [Текст] / Aleksander Osipov, Vita Vonog // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. — 2016. — Т. 16 (№ 2). — С. 361-364Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.
In the near future the Russian Federation has to undergo several major sporting events: the World Cup, Winter
Student Games, etc. For the success of such large events thousands of volunteers should be recruited and trained,
including volunteers for sports activities on the spot competition. According to experts the level of training of a
significant part of the volunteers is not sufficient enough to carry out their activities effectively.
The research is aimed at searching for possibility to prepare students for such an important sport and institutional
component of volunteer activities as assistance in running the competitions in terms of the process of education
in a Higher school. The research results indicate the high importance of practical experience in sporting events
for young people aimed to apply for the position of a sports volunteer at the Winter Student Games – 2019. It
turned out that students with practical experience in running and servicing the competitions have significantly
greater chance (P <0, 01) of getting a positive response to the request on volunteering at the Universiade – 2019
in comparison with students without any experience. Techniques and methods of pedagogical influence in terms
of the process of education may be used for more qualitative preparation of students for volunteering in sporting
events. For example, classes on physical training of students, held in the framework of sports specialization
training on the basis of sports chosen by those students, with some additions to the curriculum including
practical assistance to students in the activities of the organization and running sports competitions in terms of
the system of passing an exam on physical education, are quite suitable for reaching this goal.