Генезис символизма
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Асламазишвили, Д.Н.
Aslamazishvili, Dina N.
Игнатов, Н.А.
Ignatov, Nikolay A.
Десятки тысяч лет тому назад выделяющемуся трудом из мира животных предку современного
человека создание и использование символики дало возможность стать человеком разумным -
homo sapiens. В статье исследован генезис символизма в истории культуры, а переходные
состояния культуры рассмотрены в свете смены мировоззренческих символических систем.
Результаты символизации в развитой форме уже в мифологии и религии способствовали
обобщению практики символизирования, что привело к постановке проблемы символического
в зарождавшейся философии. Упоминания символа, а также представления о мире как
символическом универсуме появились у греческих философов-досократиков, однако первая
категоризация символа произошла в религиозно-философских учениях в эпоху Средневековья,
и в дальнейшем философская рефлексия символа как самостоятельной категории была
осуществлена И.Кантом и И.В.Гёте, которые в качестве метода исследования в науках о
культуре предложили символизм. There has been investigated genesis of symbolism in the cultural history. «Among such socialphilosophic
notions as society, culture, civilization, system, human, sense, sign, truth and others,
concept «symbol» takes a special place» (Aslamazishvili, 2008, 49). The crises of culture and
civilization were interpreted as transitional phases of culture and its symbolic systems. A closer look
at the symbols and their application in various cultures gave rise to approach the history of mankind
through a number of various views of many a thinker who had developed their both profound and
fascinating theories of symbolism. Outstanding thinkers treated the symbol as a multi-sense of its
various meanings. Nevertheless, the multi-sense symbol could not ultimately open its «truth» and its
force and its sense of this world and of the beyond. The symbol persisted in being the same unique
thread which had been leading human society since its origin to its only protosense, prasense, out-ofreach
and outright truth of being. Many a thousand years ago the ancestors of modern man having
been singled out by toil from the animals, started to create and apply symbols that enabled them
thereby to become human beings - homo sapiens. Thus developing the symbolics made for translating
the possible into the probable and the real.
The advanced results of symbolization in mythologies and religions had already made for
generalizations of symbolizing practice and facilitated understanding the problem of symbolization
in the incipient philosophy. Symbols had been mentioned by philosophers long ago before Socrates
and ancient Greeks interpreted the world as the symbolic Universe. However the first categorization
of the symbol was performed in religious and philosophical doctrines in the Middle Ages, and the
philosophical reflection of the symbol as a separate category was being further developed by I.Kant
and J.W.Goethe who had been suggesting symbolism as a research method to study culture.