The History of Discovery and Research of the Archeological Micro-Region of Tytkesken (the Left Bank of the Lower Part of the Katun River)
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URI (для ссылок/цитирований):Автор:
Kungurov, Artur L.
Pobeguts, Kseniia V.
Кунгуров, А.Л.
Побегуц, К.В.
This article is about the first archeological monument – the group of archaeological sites named
Tytkesken 6, which was first mentioned in 1983. M.T. Abdulganeev was looking for the monuments,
which could be damaged while building the Katun Water Power Station and marked them on a special
map. In 1984 the scientists of Barnaul State University found another group of mounds situated not
far from the first one. They were named Tytkesken 1 and Tytkesken 2.They continued their work and
found many sufficient artifacts which were left by the ancient реоple оn the places of their settlements.
They were named Tytkesken 3 and Tytkesken 4 and 5. The scientists were researching them since 1984
till 1991 and found that there were many objects made from stone, bronze and iron, which illustrated
that people lived there from 5 century B.C. till 1 century A.D. All those settlements were found оn the
right bank of the river. In 1988 the scientists came to the conclusion that the grave complexes situated
оn the right bank of the river and on the left one were different from each other. That`s why the one
on the left bank was named Tytkesken 6. From 1988 till 1993 more than 60 monuments of skiffs period
were researched (5–3 centuries B.C.) the scientists also learned about some settlements of Turkic
period (552 year A.D.). A great number of specialists took part in the work. They were pupils, students,
scientists from many towns and cities of Siberia. From 1983 till 2006 more than 20 archeological
monuments were found and researched. But our scientists are sure that much more artifacts could be
found in the valley of the river Tytkesken in the nearest future Археологический комплекс разновременных памятников Тыткескень имеет длительную и
насыщенную историю изучения. Первые находки упоминаются в 1983 г. М.Т. Абдулганеевым.
Он производил изыскания памятников, которые могли бы быть уничтожены при
строительстве Катунской ГЭС и произвел их картографирование. В 1984 г. ученые
Барнаульского государственного университета обнаружили другую группу памятников,
расположенную недалеко от первой, – Тыткескень I и Тыткескень II, позже были найдены
Тыткескень III и Тыткескень IV и V. Их исследования проходилих с 1984 по 1991 г. Были найдены
предметы из камня, бронзы и железа (V до н.э.). Все памятники расположены на правом
берегу реки Тыткескень. В 1988 г. учеными на правом берегу реки Тыткескень был открыт
памятник Тыткескень VI. С 1988 по 1993 г. были исследованы более 60 памятников скифского
(V–III до н.э.) и тюркского периодов (года 552 до н.э.). Большое количество специалистов
приняли участие в работе. Все они были учениками, студентами, учеными из различных
городов Сибири. С 1983 по 2006 г. были найдены и исследованы более 20 археологических