Production Technology of Heat-Insulating Material on the Basis of Woodworking Waste
URI (для ссылок/цитирований):
V, Rudskikh
V, Pukhova
A, Bobrik
Коллективный автор:
Инженерно-строительный институт
Кафедра проектирования зданий и экспертизы недвижимости
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and EngineeringКвартиль журнала в Scopus:
без квартиляБиблиографическое описание:
V, Rudskikh. Production Technology of Heat-Insulating Material on the Basis of Woodworking Waste [Текст] / Rudskikh V, Pukhova V, Bobrik A // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Т. 753 (№ 5). — С. 52011Аннотация:
The creation of new thermal insulation materials in the conditions of critical rise in the cost of energy resources is due to the energy saving policy. The most important characteristics of such materials are energy efficiency and effectiveness and environmental friendliness. Scientists of the Siberian Federal University developed a thermal insulation material based on waste wood processing industry. A distinctive feature of the proposed material is cavitation processing of raw materials. The production technology is the following: wood waste as part of the aqueous suspension go through cavitation treatment with the help of a high-speed mixing plant, then the suspension is kept in room conditions for a day, after that the raw material is subjected to hot pressing. As a result of such sequence of technological actions we get the competitive heat-insulating material on heat engineering qualities close to analogues, but with much lower prime cost of its production. Another important feature of this material is the ability to control its final qualities, depending on the mode and duration of cavitation processing.