Study of the Stress-Strain State of the Process of Drawing Wire from an Alloy of Palladium with Nickel
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URI (для ссылок/цитирований):
Sidelnikov, S.
Lopatin, V.
Dobrovenko, M.
Lopatina, E.
Sokolov, R.
Коллективный автор:
Институт цветных металлов и материаловедения
Кафедра обработки металлов давлением
Кафедра металловедения и термической обработки металлов им. В. С. Биронта
Materials Science ForumКвартиль журнала в Scopus:
Q3Квартиль журнала в Web of Science:
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Sidelnikov, S. Study of the Stress-Strain State of the Process of Drawing Wire from an Alloy of Palladium with Nickel [Текст] / S. Sidelnikov, V. Lopatin, M. Dobrovenko, E. Lopatina, R. Sokolov // Materials Science Forum. — 2020. — Т. 992. — С. 504-510Аннотация:
This article present the results of studies of the process of wire drawing from the PdNi-5 alloy, performed using computer simulation in the DEFORM 3D software package. An alloy with a content of 95% palladium and 5% nickel was a material for research. The patterns of changes in the stress-strain state for the current processing mode determined, and a more rational drawing mode with a redistribution of drawing coefficients along transitions proposed. For the proposed regime, using the created model, the values of drawing stresses, drawing forces and Cockcroft-Latham criterion determined. It was found that the stress distribution in the deformation zone corresponds to the generally accepted laws of their change, and their maximum values are realized in the metal located in the calibrating zone of the drawing die. In addition was revealed that the stresses in the current mode have limit values at the second and fourth passes. The redistribution of deformation indicators in the proposed mode allowed reduce the magnitude of these stresses and, thereby, reduce the likelihood of wire breaks. The maximum value of the Cockcroft-Latham criterion is achieved in the last transitions, but at the same time, destruction will not occur, since they do not exceed the limit value. The drawing force also decreases with the implementation of the proposed mode and does not exceed the permissible values regulated by the technical characteristics of the equipment. Since it is the proposed mode of wire drawing, it is characterized by a decrease in energy power indicators and the likelihood of wire breakage in the process of metal deformation it can be recommend it for implementation in existing production.
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