Mobile genetic elements explain size variation in the mitochondrial genomes of four closely-related Armillaria species
URI (для ссылок/цитирований):
Anna I. Kolesnikova
Yuliya A. Putintseva
Evgeniy P. Simonov
Vladislav V. Biriukov
Natalya V. Oreshkova
Igor N. Pavlov
Vadim V. Sharov
Dmitry A. Kuzmin
James B. Anderson
Konstantin V. Krutovsky
Коллективный автор:
Институт космических и информационных технологий
Институт фундаментальной биологии и биотехнологии
Кафедра высокопроизводительных вычислений
Кафедра биофизики
Базовая кафедра защиты и современных технологии мониторинга лесов
BMC GenomicsКвартиль журнала в Scopus:
Q1Квартиль журнала в Web of Science:
Q1Библиографическое описание:
Anna I. Kolesnikova. Mobile genetic elements explain size variation in the mitochondrial genomes of four closely-related Armillaria species [Текст] / Anna I. Kolesnikova, Yuliya A. Putintseva, Evgeniy P. Simonov, Vladislav V. Biriukov, Natalya V. Oreshkova, Igor N. Pavlov, Vadim V. Sharov, Dmitry A. Kuzmin, James B. Anderson, Konstantin V. Krutovsky // BMC Genomics. — 2019. — Т. 20.Аннотация:
BackgroundSpecies in the genus Armillaria (fungi, basidiomycota) are well-known as saprophytes and pathogens on plants. Many of them cause white-rot root disease in diverse woody plants worldwide. Mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) are widely used in evolutionary and population studies, but despite the importance and wide distribution of Armillaria, the complete mitogenomes have not previously been reported for this genus. Meanwhile, the well-supported phylogeny of Armillaria species provides an excellent framework in which to study variation in mitogenomes and how they have evolved over time.ResultsHere we completely sequenced, assembled, and annotated the circular mitogenomes of four species: A. borealis, A. gallica, A. sinapina, and A. solidipes (116,443, 98,896, 103,563, and 122,167bp, respectively). The variation in mitogenome size can be explained by variable numbers of mobile genetic elements, introns, and plasmid-related sequences. Most Armillaria introns contained open reading frames (ORFs) that are related to homing endonucleases of the LAGLIDADG and GIY-YIG families. Insertions of mobile elements were also evident as fragments of plasmid-related sequences in Armillaria mitogenomes. We also found several truncated gene duplications in all four mitogenomes.ConclusionsOur study showed that fungal mitogenomes have a high degree of variation in size, gene content, and genomic organization even among closely related species of Armillara. We suggest that mobile genetic elements invading introns and intergenic sequences in the Armillaria mitogenomes have played a significant role in shaping their genome structure. The mitogenome changes we describe here are consistent with widely accepted phylogenetic relationships among the four species.