Study of the Physical Properties and Electrocaloric Effect in the BaTiO3 Nano- and Microceramics
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URI (для ссылок/цитирований):
Kartashev, A. V.
Bondarev, V. S.
Flerov, I. N.
Gorev, M. V.
Pogorel’Tsev, E. I.
Shabanov, A. V.
Molokeev, M. S.
Guillemet-Fritsch, S.
Raevskii, I. P.
Коллективный автор:
Институт инженерной физики и радиоэлектроники
Кафедра теплофизики
Базовая кафедра физики твердого тела и нанотехнологий
Physics of the Solid StateКвартиль журнала в Scopus:
Q3Квартиль журнала в Web of Science:
Q4Библиографическое описание:
Kartashev, A. V. Study of the Physical Properties and Electrocaloric Effect in the BaTiO3 Nano- and Microceramics [Текст] / A. V. Kartashev, V. S. Bondarev, I. N. Flerov, M. V. Gorev, E. I. Pogorel’Tsev, A. V. Shabanov, M. S. Molokeev, S. Guillemet-Fritsch, I. P. Raevskii // Physics of the Solid State. — 2019. — Т. 61 (№ 6).Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.
The specific heat, thermal expansion, permittivity, and electrocaloric effect in bulk of BaTiO3 (BT) samples in the form of nano- (nBT-500 nm) and micro- (mBT-1200 nm) ceramics fabricated using spark plasma sintering and solid-state plasma techniques have been investigated. The size effect has been reflected, to a great extent, in the suppression of the specific heat and thermal expansion anomalies and in the changes in the temperatures and entropies of phase transitions and permittivity, and a decrease in the maximum intensive electrocaloric effect: dT = 29 mK (E = 2.0 kV/cm) for nBT and dT = 70 mK (E = 2.5 kV/cm) for mBT. The conductivity growth at temperatures above 360 K leads to the significant irreversible heating of the samples due to the Joule heat release in the applied electric field, which dominates over the electrocaloric effect.