About rheology of nanofluids
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10.1063/1.5065235URI (для ссылок/цитирований):
Minakov, A. V.
Rudyak, V. Ya.
Pryazhnikov, M. I.
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AIP Conference ProceedingsКвартиль журнала в Scopus:
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Minakov, A. V. About rheology of nanofluids [Текст] / A. V. Minakov, V. Ya. Rudyak, M. I. Pryazhnikov // AIP Conference Proceedings: 19th International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research, ICMAR 2018. — 2018. — Т. 2027. — С. 030141-1-030141-5Аннотация:
The rheological properties of several tens of nanofluids based on water, ethylene glycol, and engine oil with nanoparticles of various oxides and diamond is studied experimentally. Particle concentrations and their sizes were varied within quite wide range. Tested nanofluids did not contain any dispersants, while the base fluid was Newtonian liquid. It is revealed that in some cases, nanofluids are characterized by non-Newtonian rheological behavior. In the last part of the paper the effect of the nanoparticles on the properties of drilling fluids is discussed.