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Лузан, Владимир Сергеевич
Копцева, Н. П.
Забелина, Е. В.
Курносова, С. А.
Трушина, И. А.
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Кафедра культурологии
Кафедра рекламы и социально-культурной деятельности
2019-07Journal Name:
Journal of Siberian Federal University - Humanities and Social SciencesJournal Quartile in Scopus:
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Лузан, Владимир Сергеевич. THE STRUCTURE OF ECONOMIC ATTITUDES OF THE YOUTH - REPRESENTATIVES OF THE INDIGENOUS SMALL-NUMBERED PEOPLES OF THE ARCTIC ZONE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION: RESULTS OF A PILOT STUDY [Текст] / Владимир Сергеевич Лузан, Н. П. Копцева, Е. В. Забелина, С. А. Курносова, И. А. Трушина // Journal of Siberian Federal University - Humanities and Social Sciences. — 2019. — Т. 12 (№ 7). — С. 46-62Abstract:
The article presents the results of a pilot study of economic attitudes of young people - representatives of indigenous peoples of the Arctic zone (hereinafter - youth). The authors of the article used a multivariate questionnaire developed by O. S. Deineka and E. V. Zabelina as the main methodological tool to carry out the express diagnostics of economic attitudes. As a result, the article presents the structure of economic attitudes of youth.In addition, using a factor analysis, the authors found four fundamental factors that should be considered as types of economic consciousness, but only one of them is financially confident and literate. The other three types are experiencing difficulties with knowledge in the field of economics, which can lead to dissatisfaction and disappointment of young people in this field in the future.In conclusion, there are general conclusions and trends characterizing the tendency of young people from the indigenous peoples of the Arctic zone to passive, safe, and non-risky financial strategies.
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