Computer Simulation and Analysis of the Parameters of the Drawing Process of Thin Wire from the Alloy Pd-5Ni
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URI (для ссылок/цитирований):
Sergey, Sidelnikov
Kristina, Bindareva
Ekaterina, Lopatina
Viktor, Leonov
Denis, Voroshilov
Olga, Lebedeva
Edvard, Rudnitskiy
Vladimir, Lopatin
Коллективный автор:
Институт цветных металлов и материаловедения
Кафедра обработки металлов давлением
Кафедра металловедения и термической обработки металлов им. В. С. Биронта
Кафедра общей металлургии
Кафедра инженерного бакалавриата CDIO
Key Engineering MaterialsКвартиль журнала в Scopus:
Q3Квартиль журнала в Web of Science:
без квартиляБиблиографическое описание:
Sergey, Sidelnikov. Computer Simulation and Analysis of the Parameters of the Drawing Process of Thin Wire from the Alloy Pd-5Ni [Текст] / Sidelnikov Sergey, Bindareva Kristina, Lopatina Ekaterina, Leonov Viktor, Voroshilov Denis, Lebedeva Olga, Rudnitskiy Edvard, Lopatin Vladimir // Key Engineering Materials. — 2019. — Т. 805. — С. 13-18Аннотация:
This article represents the results of studies of the drawing thin wire from the alloy Pd-5Ni process. The studies used the software developed by the authors using the methods of calculating the drawing process and the computer model implemented in the DEFORM 3D software package. By way of calculation, a drawing route was determined, including 14 transitions, and the efforts of deforming the metal were found when producing wire with a diameter of 0.075. For this mode of deformation processing using the DEFORM 3D software package, we simulated the drawing process and established the temperature and stress distribution over the volume of the workpiece. The simulation results confirmed that the calculated safety factor for drawing is in the range of 2.85-3.43, which ensures a stable process of deformation of the metal without breaks and, as a consequence, an increase in productivity and yield of the suitable metal. Experimental studies have confirmed the adequacy of the developed model, so it can be used to analyze the process of drawing wire from other precious metal alloys. The results of the research are recommended to improve the production technology of thin wire from the alloy Pd-5Ni for the manufacture of catalytic gripping grids.