Author | Секацкий, Виктор Степанович | |
Author | Гаврилова, Оксана Алексеевна | |
Author | Мерзликина, Наталья Викторовна | |
Author | Пикалов, Юрий Анатольевич | |
Author | Пикалов, Яков Юрьевич | |
Author | Капошко, Инга Анатольевна | |
Accessioned Date | 2020-01-20T07:15:36Z | |
Available Date | 2020-01-20T07:15:36Z | |
Issued Date | 2019 | |
Bibliographic Citation | Секацкий, Виктор Степанович. Two-point calibration of coating thickness gauges: what needs to be considered to improve measurement accuracy [Текст] / Виктор Степанович Секацкий, Оксана Алексеевна Гаврилова, Наталья Викторовна Мерзликина, Юрий Анатольевич Пикалов, Яков Юрьевич Пикалов, Инга Анатольевна Капошко // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2019. — Volume 537. | |
URI (for links/citations) | | |
URI (for links/citations) | | |
Abstract | Abstract. It is shown that, unlike other means of measuring linear dimensions, coating thickness gauges do not have a regulatory framework governing their accuracy (error). It is noted that a number of external factors influence the reliability of the results of coating thickness measurements. Using the example of coating thickness gauges, the difference in the measurement results for two-point and zero calibration is shown. | |
Title | Two-point calibration of coating thickness gauges: what needs to be considered to improve measurement accuracy | |
Type | Journal Article | |
Type | Journal Article Preprint | |
GRNTI | 90.03 | |
Update Date | 2020-01-20T07:15:36Z | |
Institute | Политехнический институт | |
Department | Кафедра стандартизации, метрологии и управления качеством | |
Department | Кафедра материаловедения и технологии обработки материалов | |
Journal Name | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | |
Journal Quartile in Scopus | без квартиля | |
Journal Quartile in Web of Science | без квартиля | |