Subjectification Strategy of Author’s Statement in English Literary Xeno-Narrative
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Куликова, Людмила Викторовна
Микалаускайте, Елизавета Юлипонасовна
Коллективный автор:
Институт филологии и языковой коммуникации
Кафедра русского языка как иностранного
Журнал Сибирского федерального университетаКвартиль журнала в Scopus:
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Куликова, Людмила Викторовна. Subjectification Strategy of Author’s Statement in English Literary Xeno-Narrative [Текст] / Людмила Викторовна Куликова, Елизавета Юлипонасовна Микалаускайте // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета: Гуманитарные науки. — 2019. — Т. 12 (№ 9). — С. 1648-1658Аннотация:
Literary xeno-narrative is a text illustrating the experience of interaction with cultural
otherness that focuses on contrasting the in-group/out-group categories, with adaptation
stress minimization and mental experience transfer as xeno-narrative functions. The author
of the xeno-narrative forms the idea of the perfect reader through the implementation of
strategies aimed at the recipient. The subjectification strategy of the author’s statement in
literary communication is aimed at the reader’s personal acceptance of the author’s meanings
in the text and the reader’s emotional involvement and empathy. This process is represented
through the lexical and emotionally connotative language tools in xeno-narrative texts and
also readers’ reviews corpus. The results of the study indicate the difference in the process
of subjectification, understanding of content and the author’s emotional intentions among
the readers with different national worldviews. The study is based on the materials of the
electronic corpus of English and Russian readers’ reviews of the analysed narrative text.
English-speaking readers recorded thematic units typical for the xeno-narrative and showed
a high level of empathy to the immigrants’ experience associated with the personal experience
of overcoming otherness. Russian-speaking readers drew on the thematic unit associated with
intercultural interaction to a lesser extent, focusing on the timeline of growing up.
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