Qigong training as a successful factor of fighter’s personal qualities development in students
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URI (для ссылок/цитирований):
Кудрявцев, М. Д.
Крамида, И. Е.
Копылов, Ю. А.
Осипов, А. Ю.
Марков, К. К.
Савчук, А. Н.
Кузьмин, В. А.
Коллективный автор:
Институт физической культуры, спорта и туризма
Военно-инженерный институт
Кафедра физической культуры
Военная кафедра
Кафедра валеологии
Physical Education of StudentsКвартиль журнала в Web of Science:
без квартиляБиблиографическое описание:
Кудрявцев, М. Д. Qigong training as a successful factor of fighter’s personal qualities development in students [Текст] / М. Д. Кудрявцев, И. Е. Крамида, Ю. А. Копылов, А. Ю. Осипов, К. К. Марков, А. Н. Савчук, В. А. Кузьмин // Physical Education of Students. — 2018. — Т. 22 (№ 4). — С. 190-195Аннотация:
Purpose: the analysis of fighter’s personal qualities development in students in the course of teaching and educational Qigong training.
Material: students who actively attended standard physical culture classes participated in the research (group N1, n=101, the 3rd course); students with a debilitated general condition who practiced the program of Qigong training within 1-3 years (group N2, n=211). It was fixed: the level of fighter’s qualities development; a self-assessment (students
estimated the level of fighter’s personal qualities development according to the scale from 0 to 10 points).
Results: Development of 6 main fighter’s personal qualities in students of group N1 was more successful and fast than in students of group N2. The average result on all 6 fighter’s personal qualities increases significantly and consistently with the increase in duration of training.
Conclusions: Qigong training is an important factor in fighter’s personal qualities development in students. In general, it is necessary to develop the health culture which becomes the way of maintaining a constant healthy lifestyle in students. It is necessary that male with strong-willed fighter’s qualities always sought to participate in the long
physical self-improvement.