Full-Profile X-Ray Phase Analysis of the Composition of Aluminum Electrolyte on the Basis of a Multipopulation Evolutionary Algorithm and Elemental Analysis Data
Petr S. Dubinin
Alexandr N. Zaloga
Sergey V. Burakov
Konstantin A. Gusev
Evgeniy S. Andryushchenko
Igor S. Yakimov
Oksana E. Bezrukovа
Alexandr S. Samoilo
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Научно-исследовательская часть
2018-06Journal Name:
Journal of Siberian Federal UniversityJournal Quartile in Web of Science:
без квартиляBibliographic Citation:
Petr S. Dubinin. Full-Profile X-Ray Phase Analysis of the Composition of Aluminum Electrolyte on the Basis of a Multipopulation Evolutionary Algorithm and Elemental Analysis Data [Текст] / Petr S. Dubinin, Alexandr N. Zaloga, Sergey V. Burakov, Konstantin A. Gusev, Evgeniy S. Andryushchenko, Igor S. Yakimov, Oksana E. Bezrukovа, Alexandr S. Samoilo // Journal of Siberian Federal University: Chemistry. — 2018. — Т. 11 (№ 2). — С. 262-272Abstract:
We developed a method of self-configurable multipopulational parallel genetic algorithm (SGA) and successfully applied it to a standardless automatic full-profile X-ray phase analysis of aluminum bath samples. The method spares a user-analyst from working on the empirical choice of the genetic algorithm settings and shows the efficiency of the automatic QPA by the Rietveld method under the control of the SGA, as well as the possibility of using it for express monitoring of the bath composition in aluminum production.
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