Гуманитарные науки. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2016 9 (6)
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Multidisciplinarity As a Verification Searching Methodology (The Case of Whorf’s Hypothesis Refuted)
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)The methodology which the paper presents is a way verification might grow its accuracy. The material to counter-evidence is Whorf’s hypothesis, namely its strong version that claims a language determines the way its ... -
Phenomenon of the Cultural Policy Influence on the Urban Environment Formation in Modern Humanitarian Studies
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)In the course of globalization processes the theory and practice of socio-economic relations in modern world shows that cities will play a key role in the development of state and interstate associations in present and ... -
Modern Forms of Folk Festival and Folk Cultural Traditions
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)In this article, the author addresses the issue of adaptation of folk festivals and folk cultural traditions to the conditions of modern culture. We consider folk traditions and folk festivals as the artistic and mass ... -
Hadji Murad by Decker-Schenk on Khabarovsk Stage: to the Problem of Formation of Artistic and Aesthetic Taste and Social and Moral Orientations of the Provincial Audience
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)In Khabarovsk and a number of other provincial towns at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries, foreign and Russian operetta formed the basis of the mixed operetta and drama troupes’ repertoire. One of the first Russian ... -
Canadian Multicultural Paradigm: Research Methodology
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)Research methodology is an important component of any scientific work. Until recently, the Russian cultural studies had no specific research dealing with complex methods of scientific analysis of the Canadian model of ... -
Youth Subculture of RPG Community: On the Problem of Methodological Description
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)The paper offers an analysis of traditional and contemporary methodological approaches to studying of youth subcultures. The author looks into structural, functional, deviant, hermeneutic, semiotic, sociological aspects; ... -
Colonial Coins of the Western Europe from the Funds of Khabarovsk Local Lore Museum Named after N.I. Grodekov (Semiotic Aspect)
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)The article deals with the history of colonial coins in the funds of the museum, studies authentic museum objects and interprets them from the point of view of the culture semiotics, while coins are the “witnesses of the ... -
The Problem of the Body and Corporality of the Modern Man in Cinematography
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)Each epoch has its own understanding and vision of the problem of the body and corporality. This article attempts to considersuch concepts as “body” and “corporality” through the prism of the cinematography, the way they ... -
Game as a Means to Fulfill the Creative Potential of Children and Young People
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)The article is devoted to the issues of development of the game culture of celebrations and game technologies in the work with university and school students. The author reveals the major objectives and functions of game, ... -
Charity Support of Russia from the Russian Ethnic Community in Australia at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)The article gives an overview of some charity organizations of Russian Australians that provide support to Russian children, disabled people, the elderly. Love for people and the desire to do good continually, inspire ... -
Coloristic Properties of Piano Music Texture in Nikolai Medtner’s Works
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)This article focuses on the research of colour as applied to N. Medtner’s piano works. It discusses the composer’s views on brilliance of colour, “sonority” (звучность) of music and texture as one of its most important ... -
Pedagogical Conditions for Professional Qualities Formation of the Conductor of the Russian Folk Orchestra
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)The paper observes the issues connected to professional training of conductors of folk instruments orchestras and music directors of creative groups. The author rightly points to the necessary consistency and unity in ... -
Spiritual and Moral Education of Student Youth at University of Culture
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)This paper analyzes the characteristics of student development at university of culture as creative people in modern higher education. The author defines the purpose of spiritual development and education of a person in ... -
Energetics of Music and Performing Art as a Subject of Musicology
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)The article highlights the relevance of studying energetics in music, primarily, in musical performance that recreates a composer’s work in live sound. The author offers his own definition of the concept of “musical ... -
Structural Components of the Shamanic Rite of Tungusic Peoples in the Far East of Russia (on the Problem of Musical and Stylistic Specificity)
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)The subject of the work is a shamanic rite of the Tungusic peoples of the Far East of Russia. The purpose of the work is to highlight the main structural components of the shamanic rite in terms of musical and stylistic ... -
Semiotic and Synergistic Approaches in the Study of Musical-Theatrical Productions as Synthetic Art Texts
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)In today’s art criticism there is an increasing necessity in searching for new methodological approaches to the analysis of literary texts, based on the synthesis of various art forms. This paper highlights the need for ... -
Provincial Theatre: Problems of Establishment and Development of Performing (Dramatic) Art in Khabarovsk
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the provincial theater establishment and development. Problems mentioned in the article are considered through the example of the theatre arts in the city of Khabarovsk in ... -
Conversion of Traditional Mythologemes in the Symphonic Music by Nikolai Mentser
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)The present article studies the combination of folk and original music from the point of view of conceptual interaction of the two artistic systems. The study is made from the specific theoretic and methodological angle ... -
Social Functions of Modern Libraries as Cultural Institution
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)The paper analyzes the social function of libraries in modern society, various approaches to this problem in Russian librarianship. The author characterizes the traditionally recognized social functions of a library ... -
Choreographic Art in the Far Eastern Federal District: History, Problems and Prospects of Development
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2016-06)The article deals with contemporary choreographic amateur work in the Far Eastern Federal District in the context of the history of the national choreographic art development. The author refers to the characteristics of ...