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Vladimirova, O. N.
Slavikovskiy, A. O.
Vladimirova, O. N. Mechanism of Interaction Between the Participants of a Science and Education Complex [Текст] / O. N. Vladimirova, A. O. Slavikovskiy // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. — 2019. — Т. 139. — С. 256-264
In modern conditions, the choice and justification of the optimal organizational option within the framework of enhance the effectiveness of interaction between the participants in the innovation economy become especially topical. The authors propose to use of such the form as a Science and Education Complex (SEC). The purpose of the article is development of mechanism of interaction of the Science and Education Complex in the sphere of education, research and innovation. The Possibility of implementing a complex integrated model in the Russian environment to account for the development peculiarities related to the regions of the SEC formation is argued by analysis of the foreign practice in cooperation of science, education, and business. The study completed on the current trends in the development of science and new trends in education reforms, the identification of the SEC specific features and differences of the latter from the science and education clusters was allowed to develop the option of a mechanism for interaction between the participants of the Science and Education Complex. One of the largest territorial entities of the Russian Federation, the Krasnoyarsk region, is used as an example to illustrate the subject, permissible tools and regulatory institutions as well as to formulate the principles for interaction. The authors suggested, based on the results of studying and generalizing of international and Russian statistical data characterizing the performance indicators of scientific, innovation, education and business activities resulted in proposing the system of indicators to assess the effectiveness in the SEC functioning in terms of key groups of participants.
The Science and Education Complex Interaction mechanism Science and education integration Innovation activity
Mechanism of Interaction Between the Participants of a Science and Education Complex
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
Торгово-экономический институт
Кафедра бухгалтерского учета, анализа и аудита
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies

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