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Francis-99 turbine numerical flow simulation of steady state operation using RANS and RANS/LES turbulence model
Автор | Minakov, A. V. | |
Автор | Platonov, D. V. | |
Автор | Sentyabov, A. V. | |
Автор | Gavrilov, A. A. | |
Дата внесения | 2018-02-07T07:31:13Z | |
Дата, когда ресурс стал доступен | 2018-02-07T07:31:13Z | |
Дата публикации | 2017-01 | |
Библиографическое описание | Minakov, A. V. Francis-99 turbine numerical flow simulation of steady state operation using RANS and RANS/LES turbulence model [Текст] / A. V. Minakov, D. V. Platonov, A. V. Sentyabov, A. A. Gavrilov // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2017. — Т. 782 (№ 1). | |
ISSN | 17426588 | |
URI (для ссылок/цитирований) | http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/782/1/012005/meta | |
URI (для ссылок/цитирований) | https://elib.sfu-kras.ru/handle/2311/70005 | |
Аннотация | We performed numerical simulation of flow in a laboratory model of a Francis hydroturbine at three regimes, using two eddy-viscosity- (EVM) and a Reynolds stress (RSM) RANS models (realizable k-epsilon, k-ω SST, LRR) and detached-eddy-simulations (DES), as well as large-eddy simulations (LES). Comparison of calculation results with the experimental data was carried out. Unlike the linear EVMs, the RSM, DES, and LES reproduced well the mean velocity components, and pressure pulsations in the diffusor draft tube. Despite relatively coarse meshes and insufficient resolution of the near-wall region, LES, DES also reproduced well the intrinsic flow unsteadiness and the dominant flow structures and the associated pressure pulsations in the draft tube. | |
Название | Francis-99 turbine numerical flow simulation of steady state operation using RANS and RANS/LES turbulence model | |
Тип | Journal Article | |
Тип | Journal Article Preprint | |
ГРНТИ | 44.35 | |
Дата обновления | 2018-02-07T07:31:13Z | |
DOI | 10.1088/1742-6596/782/1/012005 | |
Институт | Институт инженерной физики и радиоэлектроники | |
Подразделение | Научно-исследовательская часть | |
Подразделение | Кафедра теплофизики | |
Журнал | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | |
Квартиль журнала в Scopus | Q3 |