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Дементьев Александр Петрович
Дробченко Владимир Александрович
Статья из журнала. Научное издание.
Представлена характеристика региональных и общесибирских съездов с участием делегатов от Восточной Сибири, состоявшихся в одном из крупнейших административных и культурных центров края - Томске -в период 1917-1919 гг. Проведен статистический анализ событий, представлена их характеристика по периодам, групповой принадлежности, региональной значимости, проанализирована роль делегатов от Восточной Сибири в работе съездов политических партий, органов власти и местного самоуправления, профессиональных, областнических, кооперативных организаций, определена степень их участия в создании и составе региональных и общесибирских структур, сформированных на этих съездах. Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов. In eventful social and political life of Siberia within the period of the revolution and civil war, congresses, conferences, and meetings of social class, political, religious, and national organizations were a special feature. The congresses were an interlink between the society and authority, Siberian regions, the outlying districts and the center. They determined a vector of organization formation, as well as planned solutions of national and regional goals. Researchers widely used congress proceedings in studying social groups, parties, and social movements. However, the matter of connection between Siberian regions within the period of the revolution and civil war was not well researched. This fact determined the research aim, which is to identify representativeness and the role of the delegates from East Siberia (Yeniseysk and Irkutsk Governorates and Zabaikalskaya Region) in the work of regional and all-Siberian forums that were held in one of the largest administrative and culture centers of the territory - Tomsk City within the period of 1917-1919. The research is based on already published and firstly introduced sources that contain information about 63 events which were held in Tomsk City and in which representatives from East Siberia participated. The largest group of events in which representatives from East Siberia participated are professional congresses - 24, which is 38% of total number of events. The representatives of political parties of Kadets, Social Revolutionaries, and Social Democrats (Bolsheviks and Mensheviks) of East Siberia participated in 10 congresses (16%). From summer 1917, Tomsk became the coordination center for Siberian regional forces. Within the researched period, 9 regional congresses were held (14%). Government bodies and self-governing bodies arranged 7 congresses (11%). The rest 13 congresses (21%) were held by cooperative, social, and national organizations. The dynamics of congress number in which the representatives of East Siberia participated does not correlate with the dynamics of governorate forums. From March 1917 till December 1919 in Tomsk Governorate the number of congresses decreased, whereas the dynamics of regional and whole-Siberian event number is vice versa-they reached their peak within the period from June to November 1918. In previous periods, the process of organized formation of professional unions, political parties, and social organizations was mainly limited to governorate activity. Only in summer 1918, it reached all-Siberian level, which manifested itself in holding of all-Siberian congresses. Within the period from December 1918 till December 1919, the number of regional and all-Siberian forms significantly dropped. It is explained by weakening of interregional connections in the setting of military dictatorship, as well as by decrease of social activity of general population. The delegates from East Siberia presented various social levels and groups at regional and all-Siberian congresses. Their participation in such events was related to resolving internal organizational issues, to determination of strategy and tactics of parties and movements, to creation of unified centers of management and coordination on the scale of entire region. It led to establishment and strengthening of connections between the territories. The representatives from East Siberia played an important role in formation of anti-Bolsheviks authority within the period of the Civil war. The authors declare no conflicts of interests.
In eventful social and political life of Siberia within the period of the revolution and civil war, congresses, conferences, and meetings of social class, political, religious, and national organizations were a special feature. The congresses were an interlink between the society and authority, Siberian regions, the outlying districts and the center. They determined a vector of organization formation, as well as planned solutions of national and regional goals. Researchers widely used congress proceedings in studying social groups, parties, and social movements. However, the matter of connection between Siberian regions within the period of the revolution and civil war was not well researched. This fact determined the research aim, which is to identify representativeness and the role of the delegates from East Siberia (Yeniseysk and Irkutsk Governorates and Zabaikalskaya Region) in the work of regional and all-Siberian forums that were held in one of the largest administrative and culture centers of the territory - Tomsk City within the period of 1917-1919. The research is based on already published and firstly introduced sources that contain information about 63 events which were held in Tomsk City and in which representatives from East Siberia participated. The largest group of events in which representatives from East Siberia participated are professional congresses - 24, which is 38% of total number of events. The representatives of political parties of Kadets, Social Revolutionaries, and Social Democrats (Bolsheviks and Mensheviks) of East Siberia participated in 10 congresses (16%). From summer 1917, Tomsk became the coordination center for Siberian regional forces. Within the researched period, 9 regional congresses were held (14%). Government bodies and self-governing bodies arranged 7 congresses (11%). The rest 13 congresses (21%) were held by cooperative, social, and national organizations. The dynamics of congress number in which the representatives of East Siberia participated does not correlate with the dynamics of governorate forums. From March 1917 till December 1919 in Tomsk Governorate the number of congresses decreased, whereas the dynamics of regional and whole-Siberian event number is vice versa-they reached their peak within the period from June to November 1918. In previous periods, the process of organized formation of professional unions, political parties, and social organizations was mainly limited to governorate activity. Only in summer 1918, it reached all-Siberian level, which manifested itself in holding of all-Siberian congresses. Within the period from December 1918 till December 1919, the number of regional and all-Siberian forms significantly dropped. It is explained by weakening of interregional connections in the setting of military dictatorship, as well as by decrease of social activity of general population. The delegates from East Siberia presented various social levels and groups at regional and all-Siberian congresses. Their participation in such events was related to resolving internal organizational issues, to determination of strategy and tactics of parties and movements, to creation of unified centers of management and coordination on the scale of entire region. It led to establishment and strengthening of connections between the territories. The representatives from East Siberia played an important role in formation of anti-Bolsheviks authority within the period of the Civil war. The authors declare no conflicts of interests.
Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет
civil war
гражданская война
Делегаты Восточной Сибири на региональных и общесибирских съездах в Томске, их роль в развитии межрегиональных связей в период революции и Гражданской войны (1917-1919 гг.) : научное издание
Journal Article
Дементьев Александр Петрович: Сибирский федеральный университет
Вестник Томского государственного университета. История

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