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Петровский Э.А
Башмур, К. А.
Шадчина, Ю. Н.
Бухтояров, В. В.
Тынченко, В. С.
Петровский Э.А. Study of microrelief forming technology on sliding bearings for oil and gas centrifugal units [Текст] / Петровский Э.А, К. А. Башмур, Ю. Н. Шадчина, В. В. Бухтояров, В. С. Тынченко // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Т. 1399 (№ 5).
The present paper is dedicated to improving the quality, reliability and operational characteristics of machines that is a major challenge for modern oil and gas engineering. Improving the quality of machines, increasing their reliability and durability is inextricably linked with the issue of enhancing the parts surface quality as virtually all operational parts properties are determined by certain geometric and physical-chemical parameters of their working surfaces. In particular, there is a known way to increase the reliability of supports of centrifugal units when sliding bearing supports with a regular microrelief are used. In particular, there is a known way to increase the reliability of bearings of centrifugal units when sliding bearing bearings with a regular microrelief are used. When researching the planetary rotary turning the tool is given additional movement - planetary rotation, it is found out that the complicated movement of planetary rotary turning provides an emerging various regular microreliefs on the surface of the parts that can be effectively applied to sliding bearings. The article focuses on the study of the kinematics of this relief by planetary cutting tools.
Study of microrelief forming technology on sliding bearings for oil and gas centrifugal units
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
Институт нефти и газа
Кафедра технологических машин и оборудования нефтегазового комплекса
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
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