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Чаплина, Альбина Николаевна
Демакова, Евгения Александровна
Герасимова, Елена Александровна
Демченко, Светлана Капитоновна
Чаплина, Альбина Николаевна. Strategic management of public sector service quality based on the Social Progress Index Methodology [Текст] / Альбина Николаевна Чаплина, Евгения Александровна Демакова, Елена Александровна Герасимова, Светлана Капитоновна Демченко // Espacios. — 2020. — Т. 41 (№ 7).
Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.
Improvement of public sector service quality is now considered a requisite condition of national human capital accumulation and the key criterion of such quality is how well the results of service provision are aligned with the goals of social development. Addressing the quality of services as a determinant of social progress, the authors of conducted this research with a view to developing a methodology to identify and assess the factors characterizing various constituents of service quality. Factor identification was based on the Social Progress Index methodology taking into account government failures in the public economy. Statistical methods were used to assess the influence of the identified factors. As can be seen from the developed regression model of service quality in healthcare, only 37% of the positive effect from improvements in service provision can be explained by resource availability in the industry, while nearly two-thirds are attributed to cooperation factors, most importantly, public engagement in public management.The original methodology for calculating and assessin gthe effect of such factor first proposed in this paper may be used across the world and may prove instrumental in the development of an optimum strategy of public service quality management ensuring sustainable social progress in the environment of scarce resources.
public sector services
social progress
quality management
Strategic management of public sector service quality based on the Social Progress Index Methodology
Journal Article
Published Journal Article
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