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Philippe, Rozenberg
Thibaud, Chauvin
Margarita, Escobar-Sandoval
Frédéric, Huard
Vladimir, Shishov
Jean-Paul, Charpentier
Anne-Sophie, Sergent
Jesus Vargas-Hernandez, J.
Alejandro, Martinez-Meier
Luc, Pâques
Philippe, Rozenberg. Climate warming differently affects Larix decidua ring formation at each end of a French Alps elevational gradient [Текст] / Rozenberg Philippe, Chauvin Thibaud, Escobar-Sandoval Margarita, Huard Frédéric, Shishov Vladimir, Charpentier Jean-Paul, Sergent Anne-Sophie, J. Jesus Vargas-Hernandez, Martinez-Meier Alejandro, Pâques Luc // Annals of Forest Science. — 2020. — Т. 77 (№ 2). — С. 1-20
Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.
* Key message. The ongoing global warming tends to reduce Larix decidua radial growth and ring wood density at the bottom of an elevational gradient in the French Alps, while it has a less marked effect at the top. * Context. The ongoing climatewarming affectsmost tree species across their biogeographic distribution range. The bottom and the top of an elevational gradient are appropriate environments to observe the effect of climate warming in contrasted temperature conditions. * Aims. To retrospectively study the effect of the ongoing climate warming on Larix decidua trees located in warm and cold conditions, i.e., at the bottom (1200 m) and the top (2300 m) of an elevational gradient, respectively. * Methods. Dendroecological analysis of two groups of Larix decidua trees located at very low (1200 m) and very high (2300 m) elevations. Construction of climatic response curves for annual ring variables. Decomposition of the variance of the response models into their high and low frequency components. * Results. At Briançon, in the French Alps, the increase of the daily maximum temperature during the last 50 years is already almost 3 °C for the March–October period. The results reveal contrasted behaviors at both ends of the investigated elevational gradient. Basal area increment, ring width, and their earlywood and latewood components increase or level off at the top of the gradient, while they all strongly decrease at the bottom. At the bottom, the low frequency warming effect explains the recent ring width decrease, with no influence of the high frequency temperature variation. At the top, both the low frequency warming effect.
Climate warming
Elevational gradient
Larix decidua
Climate warming differently affects Larix decidua ring formation at each end of a French Alps elevational gradient
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
Торгово-экономический институт
Кафедра математических методов и информационных технологий в торговле и сфере услуг
Annals of Forest Science

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