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Енджиевская, И. Г.
Василовская, Н. Г.
Савченко, В.
Енджиевская, И. Г. Activated ceramic compositions with the addition of serpentinite [Текст] / И. Г. Енджиевская, Н. Г. Василовская, В. Савченко // MATEC Web of Conferences: 2018 International Scientific Conference ""Investment, Construction, Real Estate: New Technologies and Special-Purpose Developme. — 2018. — Т. 212. — С. 01019
The article describes the loam of the Kubekovsky deposit of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which is widely used in the production of ceramic bricks in factories that produce wall materials. In the studies described in the article, mechanoactivation and modification were used to improve its technological and physico-mechanical characteristics. Mechanoactivation was carried out in a hydrodynamic dispersant. As the additive-modifier used waste stoneplant serpentinites of the Perevalnoye deposit. The effect of the additive-modifier on the properties of ceramic compositions is shown. It is shown that a small amount of serpentinite up to three percent -significantly increases the compressive strength of fired ceramic samples.If the composition has an additive of more than three percent, a decrease in strength characteristics is observed, this is related, probably due to the fact that most of the magnesium oxide remains unreacted. White inclusions areobserved visually in the structure of calcined samples throughout the volume. The combined effect of mechanoactivation and modification is shown, which makes it possible to improve the technological and physicomechanical characteristics of the ceramic shard. The results of electron microscopy are presented, suggesting that the microstructure of a ceramic shard activated with the addition of serpentinite contains moremullite-rich mixed crystals, as well as devitrified areas. Inclusions of magnesium oxide are not observed. Magnesium oxide in the ceramiccomposition serves as a primer capable of making the melt more liquid,accelerating its devitrification.
Activated ceramic compositions with the addition of serpentinite
Journal Article
Journal Article Postprint
Инженерно-строительный институт
Кафедра строительных материалов и технологии строительства
MATEC Web of Conferences
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