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Инжутов, Иван Семенович
Жаданов, Виктор Иванович
Семенов, Максим Юрьевич
Амельчугов, Сергей Петрович
Климов, Алексей Сергеевич
Мельников, Петр Павлович
Клиндух, Надежда Юрьевна
Инжутов, Иван Семенович. A comparative analysis of foundation design solutions on permafrost soils [Текст] / Иван Семенович Инжутов, Виктор Иванович Жаданов, Максим Юрьевич Семенов, Сергей Петрович Амельчугов, Алексей Сергеевич Климов, Петр Павлович Мельников, Надежда Юрьевна Клиндух // E3S Web of Conferences. — 2019.
The article analyzes design solutions of foundations on permafrost soils, their advantages and disadvantages. Innovative design solutions that increase the energy efficiency of buildings are proposed. Examples of innovative foundations of platform type are given. Spatial ventilated foundations are less sensitive to soil deformation. The construction of such a foundation can be made of various materials such as reinforced concrete, metal and timber. A spatial foundation platform based on timber is proposed as one of the innovative examples, which is a promising constructive solution of foundations for construction in the Arctic regions. Wood has a small coefficient of thermal conductivity, which significantly increases the energy efficiency of the structure as a whole. Due to prefabrication of timber structures, the speed of construction is increased. Platforms can have solutions in the form of: system of cross beams, structural plates, plate-rod structure, as well as in the form of shells and folds. Regardless of the design solution, the spatial foundation platform is prefabricated.
A comparative analysis of foundation design solutions on permafrost soils
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
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Кафедра автомобильных дорог и городских сооружений
Кафедра строительных конструкций и управляемых систем
Кафедра строительных материалов и технологии строительства
E3S Web of Conferences
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