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Амельчугов, С. П.
Инжутов, И. С.
Назиров, Р. А.
Перькова, М. А.
Рудяк, К. А.
Балтинате, А. И.
Амельчугов, С. П. Energy efficiency of timber construction joint with wooden screw [Текст] / С. П. Амельчугов, И. С. Инжутов, Р. А. Назиров, М. А. Перькова, К. А. Рудяк, А. И. Балтинате // E 3 S W e b o f C o n f e r e n c e s. — 2019. — С. 10
The topicality of studied subject is based on inappropriate usage of different materials in wooden structures , since using metal joint in wooden construction leads to reduction of construction working life cycle . In this regard, a study of several options for wooden screw carving was conducted in order to determine the most appropriate one (screw). There are several different types of carving, such as: trapezoidal, triangular, recta ngular, etc. The most appropriate ones are trapezoidal and triangular - section threads for wood en screws. The effectiveness of a wooden screw thread was determined from the conditions ( capacity ) of sh ear fracture and bearing stress . After analyzing the results of calculati ons of the specific capacity for shear fracture and bearing stress , it can be concluded that the value of specific bearing capacity for shear fracture is less than the value of bearing stress by 1.3% . T herefore , a f urther comparison of the trapezoidal thread and the triangular cross - section will proceed from the spalling conditions. It has been found that the most effective thread is a triangular cross - section. Based on the results of calculations, a mathematical mod el has been established that describes the dependence of the carrying capacity on the screw diameter.
Energy efficiency of timber construction joint with wooden screw
Journal Article
Published Journal Article
Инженерно-строительный институт
Кафедра строительных материалов и технологии строительства
E 3 S W e b o f C o n f e r e n c e s
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