Recent Submissions

  • Krasnoyarsk Urban Environment: Main Characteristics 

    Zamaraeva, Yulia S.; Kistova, Anastasia V.; Kolesnik, Maria A.; Koptseva, Natalia P.; Reznikova, Ksenia V.; Seredkina, Natalia N.; Sitnikova, Aleksandra A.; Замараева, Ю. С.; Кистова, А. В.; Колесник, М. А.; Копцева, Н. П.; Резникова, К. В.; Середкина, Н. Н.; Ситникова, А. А. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2019-06)
    The article discusses the main features of the urban architecture of Krasnoyarsk, the specifics of public transport and the availability of urban space for residents, the problems of public safety in the city; features of ...
  • Current Condition and Prospects of the Spatial Development of the Northern Areas of The Krasnoyarsk Territory 

    Shishatsky, Nikolai G.; Bryukhanova, Elena A.; Шишацкий, Н. Г.; Брюханова, Е. А. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2019-06)
    The article studies the peculiarities of spatial peculiarities of the northern areas of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, using three approaches: latitudinal (north-south), longitudinal (west-east) and the development type ...
  • Christian Theology, Extraterrestrial Intelligence and a Hypothesis of Multiple Incarnations 

    Nesteruk, Alexei V.; Soldatov, Alexander V.; Нестерук, А. В.; Солдатов, А. В. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2019-06)
    This paper addresses the recently renewed discussions of the possibility of multiple species-specific incarnations of God in the societies of extraterrestrial beings (if they exist) on exoplanets. It gives a scientific, ...
  • “…People Would Seek for Light and Find Joy in Art”: the First World War and Revolution in the Krasnoyarsk Art Life 

    Moskaljuk, Marina V.; Stroy, Lilia R.; Москалюк, М. В.; Строй, Л. Р. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2019-06)
    The article is devoted to the art processes that took place in Siberia, Krasnoyarsk, during 1914–1920. The main methodology of scientific study on the creative component of the city during the First World War and Revolution ...
  • Transformation of the Krasnoyarsk Urban Space in the 90s of the 20th Century 

    Lusan, Vladimir S.; Pimenova, Natalia N.; Khrebtov, Mikhail Ya.; Khudonogova, Anastasia E.; Sertakova, Ekaterina A.; Shimanskaya, Kseniya I.; Лузан, В. С.; Пименова, Н. Н.; Хребтов, М. Я.; Худоногова, А. Е.; Сертакова, Е. А.; Шиманская, К. И. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2019-06)
    The article attempts to uncover the transformation of the urban environment of Krasnoyarsk, starting from the moment of its foundation until the end of the 20th century, as well as the influence of certain spheres of life ...
  • National Idea in Russia: Cultural and Historical Genesis and Factors of Actualization 

    Karlova, Olga A.; Карлова, О. А. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2019-06)
    The article is devoted to the problem of national idea in Russia in the context of sustainable cultural meanings. The subject of this research is determined by actualization in the modern Russian public consciousness of ...
  • Changes in Athletes’ Psycho-Emotional Stress in the Course of Annual Macrocycle 

    Gamzin, Mihail A.; Bazarin, Kirill P.; Savchenko, Andrey A.; Kakukhin, Alexandr D.; Гамзин, М. А.; Базарин, К. П.; Савченко, А. А.; Какухин, А. Д. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2019-06)
    Emotions significantly influence physiological processes in the athlete’s body. The level of his/her mental stress during training, competitions and recreation is obviously not the same. Taking into account the athletes’ ...
  • Dynamics of Krasnoyarsk Urban Space in the Early 21st Century 

    Avdeeva, Yuliya N.; Degtyarenko, Kseniya A.; Metlyaeva, Svetlana V.; Pchelkina, Daria S.; Fil’ko, Antonina I.; Koptseva, Natalia P.; Shpak, Anna A.; Авдеева, Ю. Н.; Дегтяренко, К. А.; Метляева, С. В.; Пчелкина, Д. С.; Филько, А. И.; Копцева, Н. П.; Шпак, А. А. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2019-06)
    The results of analysis of urban space symbols that facilitated the change and formation of Krasnoyarsk urban environment in the early 21st century are presented in this article. The purpose of this analysis was to determine ...
  • Exile to Settlement in Siberia in the Criminal Punishment System of the Russian Empire in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries 

    Volchetskaia, Tat’iana S.; Smirnov, Leonid B.; Shestakov, Dmitrii A.; Волчецкая, Т. С.; Смирнов, Л. Б.; Шестаков, Д. А. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2019-06)
    The paper focuses on the evolution of the exile to settlement in Siberia from being a mitigating alternative to the death penalty to becoming a criminal punishment that ranks third in severity. It also provides an assessment ...
  • Missionary Activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in Siberia: Historical and Legal Aspect 

    Smorgunova, Valentina Yu.; Dorskaia, Aleksandra A.; Protsenko, Evgenii D.; Сморгунова, В. Ю.; Дорская, А. А.; Проценко, Е. Д. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2019-06)
    The article deals with the evolution of state and legal regulation of missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church from 17th to early 20th centuries on the example of the Siberian region. The research bases on the ...
  • The Legal Regulation of Siberian Peoples in the Russian Empire: the Interplay Between Customary Law and Legislation 

    Smorgunova, Valentina Yu.; Dorskaia, Aleksandra A.; Chestnov, Il’ia L.; Сморгунова, В. Ю.; Дорская, А. А.; Честнов, И. Л. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2019-06)
    The paper uses historic and legal materials to analyse the contemporary theories that describe the correlation of customary law and legislation. The authors identify the applicability of these theories in studying regulation ...
  • The Effectiveness of Insular Penal Systems: Why Sakhalin did not Become the Russian Australia 

    Smirnov, Aleksandr V.; Shestakov, Dmitrii A.; Minenok, Miknail G.; Teplyashin, Ivan V.; Смирнов, А. В.; Шестаков, Д. А.; Миненок, М. Г.; Тепляшин, И. В. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2019-06)
    This paper is focused on social effectiveness of open penal systems of the insular type in a broad sense, which implies the achievement not only of legal, but also economic and political goals. Two historical penal systems ...
  • The Problems of Perfecting of Anticorruption Legislation and Activity of Law-Enforcement Agencies on Struggle with Corrupt Practice in the Regions of Siberia and the Central Russia 

    Dubonosov, Evgeny S.; Bugaevskaya, Natalia V.; Volchetskaia, Tat’iana S.; Vlasenko, Valery N.; Дубоносов, E. C.; Бугаевская, Н. В.; Волчецкая, Т. С.; Власенко, В. Н. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2019-06)
    The purpose of this study is multidisciplinary research of the amendments to anti-corruption criminal-legal norms connected with crimes of corruption. By the example of statistics, judiciary and work practices of operational ...
  • Multidimensional Algorithmic Thinking Development on Mental Learning Platform 

    Pak, Nikolay I.; Stepanova, Tatiana A.; Bazhenova, Irina V.; Gavrilova, Irina V.; Пак, Н.И.; Степанова, Т.А.; Баженова, И.В.; Гаврилова, И.В. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2019)
    The problem of algorithmic thinking development in computer science, computer technology and information technology courses remains relevant despite a lot of research done in the area. The present article is intended to ...
  • Anthropological Studies of the Role of Temperament in Psychosomatic Correlations in Adults and Children 

    Bardetskaya, Yaroslavna V.; Shilov, Sergey N.; Savchenkov, Yuriy I.; Бардецкая, Я.В.; Шилов, С.Н.; Савченков, Ю.И. (Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2018)
    Currently, the actual problem of the study is the identification of the role of temperament, due to the individual characteristics of the nervous system, in the adaptation of the body to the environment. The available term ...

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