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Махутова, О. Н.
Шулепина, С. П.
Шарапова, Т. А.
Дубовская, О. П.
Сущик, Н. Н.
Батурина, М. А.
Пряничникова, Е. Г.
Калачева, Г. С.
Гладышев, М. И.
Махутова, О. Н. Contents of polyunsaturated fatty acids essential for fish nutrition in zoobenthos species [Текст] / О. Н. Махутова, С. П. Шулепина, Т. А. Шарапова, О. П. Дубовская, Н. Н. Сущик, М. А. Батурина, Е. Г. Пряничникова, Г. С. Калачева, М. И. Гладышев // Freshwater Science. — 2016. — Т. 35 (№ 4). — С. 1222-1234
Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.
Content of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 24 22:6n-3) and the n-3/n-6 ratio are important indicators of nutritive value of aquatic invertebrates 25 as food for fish. We studied fatty acid (FA) content and composition of 68 zoobenthic species. 26 Benthic invertebrates differed significantly in their contents of EPA and DHA and n-3/n-6 ratios. 27 The most valuable food for fish were Insecta, especially Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera, 28 Gammaridae, and Turbellaria (Dendrocaelopsis sp.). The invertebrates of low food quality for 29 fish were Hirudinea, Mollusca, Oligochaeta, Bryozoa (Plumatella emarginata), and Coleoptera 30 (Dytiscus lapponicus). Our data suggest that the recent and ongoing global replacement of native 31 species, mainly Insecta, by invaders, mostly represented by Mollusca, Crustacea, Polychaeta, 32 Oligochaeta, Bryozoa, and Hirudinea, probably will reduce the nutritive value of food sources 33 for benthivorous fish. In addition, some of the taxa studied have peculiar FAs, which may be 34 useful as their markers in trophic webs. Thus, 20:1n-13, 20:2n-6, 22:5n-3, and 22:6n-3 are likely 35 to be considered markers of Mollusca, Hirudinea, Turbellaria, and Gammaridae, respectively, for 36 tracing food webs in freshwater ecosystems.
fatty acids
food quality
Contents of polyunsaturated fatty acids essential for fish nutrition in zoobenthos species
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
Институт фундаментальной биологии и биотехнологии
Кафедра водных и наземных экосистем
Freshwater Science

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