Wildfires Dynamics in Siberian Larch Forests
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10.3390/f7060125URI (для ссылок/цитирований):
Харук, Вячеслав Иванович
Пономарев, Евгений Иванович
Ranson, Kenneth J.
Коллективный автор:
Институт экологии и географии
Кафедра экологии и природопользования
ForestsКвартиль журнала в Scopus:
Q1Квартиль журнала в Web of Science:
Q2Библиографическое описание:
Харук, Вячеслав Иванович. Wildfires Dynamics in Siberian Larch Forests [Текст] / Вячеслав Иванович Харук, Евгений Иванович Пономарев, Kenneth J. Ranson // Forests. — 2016. — Т. 7 (№ 6). — С. 1-9Аннотация:
Wildfire number and burned area temporal dynamics within all of Siberia and along
a south-north transect in central Siberia (45–73 N) were studied based on NOAA/AVHRR (National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/ Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) and
Terra/MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) data and field measurements
for the period 1996–2015. In addition, fire return interval (FRI) along the south-north transect was
analyzed. Both the number of forest fires and the size of the burned area increased during recent
decades (p < 0.05). Significant correlations were found between forest fires, burned areas and air
temperature (r = 0.5) and drought index (The Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index,
SPEI) (r = -0.43). Within larch stands along the transect, wildfire frequency was strongly correlated
with incoming solar radiation (r = 0.91). Fire danger period length decreased linearly from south
to north along the transect. Fire return interval increased from 80 years at 62 N to 200 years at the
Arctic Circle (66,33’ N), and to about 300 years near the northern limit of closed forest stands (about
71+ N). That increase was negatively correlated with incoming solar radiation (r = -0.95).
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