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Osipov, Aleksander
Kudryavtsev, Mikhail
Iermakov, Sergey
Jagello, Wladyslaw
Osipov, Aleksander. Criteria for effective sports selection in judo schools – on example of sportsmanship’s progress of young judo athletes in Russian Federation [Текст] / Aleksander Osipov, Mikhail Kudryavtsev, Sergey Iermakov, Wladyslaw Jagello // Archives of Budo. — 2017. — Т. 13 (№ 1). — С. 179-186
Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.
Background and Study Aim: analysis of scientific researches points at significant discrepancies in opinions about criteria of sport selection in Judo schools and structure of junior athletes’ training activity. The purpose of the research is to fulfill of different methodic of young people’s selection and dynamic of their future competition functioning’s sport results. Material and Methods: in the research judo athletes (n = 60) of age 11-21 years participated. The research was being conducted during 10 years. We used different criteria of boys’ selection: superiority in physical condition; high coordination and balance; ability to master judo techniques. Results: With the same methodic of training the following young people achieve confidently high sport results: who, as on the moment of selection, had better coordination and balance in complicated conditions; adolescents with high ability to master judo techniques. Mean time of these judo athletes preparation for fulfillment normative of master of sports of Russian Federation is 6.4-7.2 years. On reaching 21 yrs age judo athletes sport results in average equalize. Conclusions: the level of some boys’ physical superiority over their peers as on the moment of selection to judo schools can not be an objective criterion of significant sport results’ achievements during short period of time. In sport selection it is necessary to clear up the following: coordination and abilities to master quickly judo techniques.
elite judokas
physical conditioning
sport selection
Criteria for effective sports selection in judo schools – on example of sportsmanship’s progress of young judo athletes in Russian Federation
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
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