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Sorokin, B. P.
Kvashnin, G. M.
Telichko, A. V.
Burkov, S. I.
Blank, V. D.
Sorokin, B. P. Piezoelectric-Layered Structures Based on Synthetic Diamond [Текст] / B. P. Sorokin, G. M. Kvashnin, A. V. Telichko, S. I. Burkov, V. D. Blank // InTech: Piezoelectric Materials. — 2016. — С. 161-199
Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.
Results of theoretical, modeling, and experimental investigation of microwave acoustic properties of piezoelectric layered structure “Me1/AlN/Me2/(100) diamond” have been presented within a wide frequency band 0.5–10 GHz. The highest among known material quality parameter Q × f ~ 10^14 Hz for the IIa type synthetic diamond at operational frequency ~10 GHz has been found. Conditions of UHF excitation and propagation of the bulk, surface, and Lamb plate acoustic waves have been established and studied experimentally. Frequency dependencies of the impedance and quality factor have been studied to obtain a number of piezoelectric layered structure parameters as electromechanical coupling coefficient, equivalent circuit parameters, etc. Results of 2D finite element modeling of a given piezoelectric layered structure have been compared with the experimental ones obtained for the real high-overtone bulk acoustic resonator. An origin of high-overtone bulk acoustic resonator’s spurious resonant peaks has been studied. Results on UHF acoustic attenuation of IIa-type synthetic single crystalline diamond have been presented and discussed in terms of Akhiezer and Landau–Rumer mechanisms of phonon–phonon interaction. Identification and classification of Lamb waves belonging to several branches as well as dispersive curves of phase velocities have been executed. Necessity of introducing a more correct Lamb-mode classification has been recognized.
aluminum nitride
synthetic diamond
ultra-high frequency
bulk acoustic
Lamb wave
electromechanical coupling
acoustic attenuation
Piezoelectric-Layered Structures Based on Synthetic Diamond
Journal Article
Published Journal Article
Институт инженерной физики и радиоэлектроники
Базовая кафедра физики твердого тела и нанотехнологий

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