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Сержантова, М. П.
Тынченко, В. С.
Бухтояров, В. В.
Петровский, Э. А.
Кукарцев, В. В.
Тынченко, В. В.
Сержантова, М. П. Automation of mass fraction determination of water in petroleum in the laboratory [Текст] / М. П. Сержантова, В. С. Тынченко, В. В. Бухтояров, Э. А. Петровский, В. В. Кукарцев, В. В. Тынченко // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Т. 1384.
Petroleum quality indicators should be monitored at all stages of petroleum production, preparation and transportation quickly and efficiently. Such a critically important indicator as the mass fraction of water in petroleum determines not only its quality, but also has a huge impact on the performance properties of the equipment and the pipeline. The article demonstrates the automation of laboratory research in determining the mass fraction of water in petroleum: the modernization of existing research using optical sensors and a data acquisition board. As a result, the complexity of the research is reduced, the work of laboratory research is optimized. The article presents the assembly diagram of the automated installation, compiled an algorithm for the software.
Automation of mass fraction determination of water in petroleum in the laboratory
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
Институт нефти и газа
Кафедра технологических машин и оборудования нефтегазового комплекса
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
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