Dynamic quality assessment as a criterion for the sustainable development of social services in cross-border regions
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URI (для ссылок/цитирований):
Демакова, Евгения Александровна
Демина, Лариса Николаевна
Меньшикова, Виктория Карловна
Коллективный автор:
Торгово-экономический институт
Кафедра товароведения и экспертизы товаров
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities ResearchБиблиографическое описание:
Демакова, Евгения Александровна. Dynamic quality assessment as a criterion for the sustainable development of social services in cross-border regions [Текст] / Евгения Александровна Демакова, Лариса Николаевна Демина, Виктория Карловна Меньшикова // Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research: International Conference on Sustainable Development of Cross-Border Regions: Economic, Social and Security Challenges (ICSDCBR 2. — 2019. — Т. 364. — С. 857-861Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.
An independent assessment of the quality of social services is an important tool for shaping a positive image of the Russian regions. However, the high variability of such estimates over the years does not reliably judge the sustainability of the positive development of regional social services systems. The authors propose an approach to the development of sustainability criteria for improving the quality of social services provides an opportunity to dynamically assess the direction and rate of change in customer satisfaction, taking into account the influence of external conditions and internal capabilities of the region. The calculation of this criterion for the cross-border territories of the Far Eastern Federal District proved its viability in making forecasts of developing the regional educational services system and selecting the best quality management practices.
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