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Aleksandr N. Zaloga
Sergey V. Burakov
Igor S. Yakimov
Konstantin A. Gusev
Petr S. Dubinin
Aleksandr N. Zaloga. Multipopulation evolutionary algorithm SPEA2 for crystal structure determination from X-ray powder diffraction data [Текст] / Aleksandr N. Zaloga, Sergey V. Burakov, Igor S. Yakimov, Konstantin A. Gusev, Petr S. Dubinin // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020.
The problem of determining inorganic crystal structures with a large number of atoms from powder diffraction data is a relevant research task. In order to solve this problem, we made an algorithm of multi-objective optimization based on the SPEA2 approach implemented in a multi-threaded (parallel) version. This algorithm is a development of previously presented variants of single-criterion multi-population GA (MPGA). The article describes the algorithm and the results of applying to test crystal structures
Multipopulation evolutionary algorithm SPEA2 for crystal structure determination from X-ray powder diffraction data
Journal Article
Published Journal Article
Институт цветных металлов и материаловедения
Кафедра композиционных материалов и физико-химии металлургических процессов
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
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