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Dina F.Zhirnova
Elena A.Babushkina
Liliana V.Belokopytova
Eugene A.Vaganov
Dina F.Zhirnova. To which side are the scales swinging? Growth stability of Siberian larch under 1 permanent moisture deficit with periodic droughts [Текст] / Dina F.Zhirnova, Elena A.Babushkina, Liliana V.Belokopytova, Eugene A.Vaganov // Forest Ecology and Management Volume 459, 1 March 2020, 117841. — 2020. — Т. 459.
In moisture-limited regions in which droughts leave a significant “footprint”, monitoring of quantitative climatic parameters and of forest adaptation and acclimation to these parameters is of utmost importance due to the ambiguity of spatial patterns in reaction of tree growth to drought and the variety of drought resistance strategies exhibited by trees at the genetic, morphological and physiological levels. This is a case study of the radial growth of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) along the forest-steppe transect in the foothills of the Bateni Ridge (Kuznetsk Alatau, Southern Siberia, Russia) and of its climatic response and stability under the influence of droughts and contributing factors.
Radial growthLarix sibiricaKuznetsk AlatauForest-steppeClimate–growth relationshipsPointer yearsDrought stress
To which side are the scales swinging? Growth stability of Siberian larch under 1 permanent moisture deficit with periodic droughts
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
Научно-исследовательская часть
Forest Ecology and Management Volume 459, 1 March 2020, 117841

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