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Dyachuk, P
Arzac, A
Peresunko, P.
Videnin, S.
Ilyin, V.
Assaulianov, R.
Babushkina, E. A.
Zhirnova, D.
Vaganov, E. A.
Shishov, V. V.
Dyachuk, P. AutoCellRow (ACR) – A new tool for the automatic quantification of cell radial files in conifer images [Текст] / P Dyachuk, A Arzac, P. Peresunko, S. Videnin, V. Ilyin, R. Assaulianov, E. A. Babushkina, D. Zhirnova, E. A. Vaganov, V. V. Shishov // Dendrochronologia. — 2020. — Т. 60.
Quantitative wood anatomy (QWA) is a growing field of dendrochronology that allows obtaining a large number of parameters as the number, size and spatial arrangement of cellular elements, elements that highlight the adjustments of trees to their environment. In this work, we presented the free/libre open-source software AutoCellRow (ACR), a ready-to-use tool for automatic QWA in conifers. The ACR analyzes radial files of cells on cross-sections views of tree rings and provides automatic measurements of different cell parameters (e.g., lumen radial diameter, double cell wall thickness and cell radial diameter) for each cell along the selected radial file. The ACR measurements are based on high performed image analysis of xylem cells. The accuracy of the software measurements was tested in cross-sections of five conifer species from a semi-arid area of southern Siberia, and compared with measurements obtained by a semiautomatic tool. Our results suggested high accuracy in the ACR cell traits measurements, facilitating and speeding the analysis of quantitative wood anatomy in conifers over radial files of cells.
AutoCellRow (ACR) – A new tool for the automatic quantification of cell radial files in conifer images
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
Институт космических и информационных технологий
Хакасский технический институт — филиал СФУ
Институт экологии и географии
Научно-исследовательская часть
Кафедра информатики
Научно-образовательная лаборатория "Дендроэкология и экологический мониторинг"
Кафедра строительства
Кафедра экологии и природопользования

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