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G, A Sorokina
O, A Kuznetsova
N, A Ligaeva
G, A Sorokina. Problems of landscaping urbanized territory [Текст] / A Sorokina G, A Kuznetsova O, A Ligaeva N // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2019. — Т. 315.
Abstract The paper is concerned with the features of impact of man-induced air pollution on seasonal changes of wood plants for solution of the problem of planting a major industrial city in Siberia. The results of studies of the impact of air pollution components on plants at the stage of winter dormancy are presented. To estimate the depth of the plants winter dormancy a contemporary method of recording the curves of thermally induced changes in a zero level of fluorescence (TCZLF) of phelloderm has been used. The reduction of the period of the dormancy state for wood plants at the growth of the level of anthropogenic impact has been demonstrated. According to the correlation analysis results, the highest effect has been noted for nitrogen dioxide and benzo(a)pyrene. The identified features of the environmental and physiological state of wood plants in the conditions of a city shall be accounted for in the practice of green construction of a city for creating an optical favourable urban environment and maintaining the health of the population of urbanized areas.
Problem of planting
industrial city
urbanized areas
Problems of landscaping urbanized territory
Journal Article
Published Journal Article
Институт экологии и географии
Кафедра экологии и природопользования
Кафедра географии
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
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