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Vinícius Vaz, Da Cruz
Faris Gel’mukhanov
Sebastian, Eckert
Marcella, Iannuzzi
Emelie, Ertan
Annette, Pietzsch
Rafael C. Couto
Johannes, Niskanen
Mattis, Fondell
Marcus, Dantz
Thorsten, Schmitt
Xingye, Lu
Daniel, Mcnally
Raphael M. Jay
Victor, Kimberg
Alexander, Föhlisch
Michael, Odelius
Vinícius Vaz, Da Cruz. Probing hydrogen bond strength in liquid water by resonant inelastic X-ray scattering [Текст] / Da Cruz Vinícius Vaz, Faris Gel’mukhanov, Eckert Sebastian, Iannuzzi Marcella, Ertan Emelie, Pietzsch Annette, Rafael C. Couto, Niskanen Johannes, Fondell Mattis, Dantz Marcus, Schmitt Thorsten, Lu Xingye, Mcnally Daniel, Raphael M. Jay, Kimberg Victor, Föhlisch Alexander, Odelius Michael // Nature Communications. — 2019. — Т. 10 (№ 1). — С. 1013
Local probes of the electronic ground state are essential for understanding hydrogen bonding in aqueous environments. When tuned to the dissociative core-excited state at the O1s preedge of water, resonant inelastic X-ray scattering back to the electronic ground state exhibits a long vibrational progression due to ultrafast nuclear dynamics. We show how the coherent evolution of the OH bonds around the core-excited oxygen provides access to high vibrational levels in liquid water. The OH bonds stretch into the long-range part of the potential energy curve, which makes the X-ray probe more sensitive than infra-red spectroscopy to the local environment. We exploit this property to effectively probe hydrogen bond strength via the distribution of intramolecular OH potentials derived from measurements. In contrast, the dynamical splitting in the spectral feature of the lowest valence-excited state arises from the short-range part of the OH potential curve and is rather insensitive to hydrogen bonding.
hydrogen bonding
liquid water
core-excited state
inelastic X-ray scattering
Probing hydrogen bond strength in liquid water by resonant inelastic X-ray scattering
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
Научно-исследовательская часть
Nature Communications

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