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Кузовникова, Л. А.
Комогорцев, С. В.
Денисова, Е. А.
Исхаков, Р. С.
Немцев, И. В.
Волочаев, М. Н.
Шепета, Н. А.
Кузовникова, Л. А. Structure and magnetism in ball-milled core-shell Al2O3@Co particles [Текст] / Л. А. Кузовникова, С. В. Комогорцев, Е. А. Денисова, Р. С. Исхаков, И. В. Немцев, М. Н. Волочаев, Н. А. Шепета // Materials Today Proceedings. — 2019. — Т. 12. — С. 159-162
The core-shell Al 2 O 3 @Co particles were prepared by the ball-milling of the composite Al 2 O 3 -Co particles synthesized by electroless reduction. During the ball-milling process, both, the core-shell particle size and the ratio of hcp/fcc phases changed. To perform a phase analysis of the cobalt shell we used an approach based on the magnetic measurements. The use of Al 2 O 3 -Co composite particles as the precursors for the ball milling significantly shortens the time needed for a change in the phase composition of cobalt.
Structure and magnetism in ball-milled core-shell Al2O3@Co particles
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
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