Adaptive algorithm of classifcation on the missing data
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URI (для ссылок/цитирований):
Alexander V. Medvedev
Daniil A. Melekh
Natalia A. Sergeeva
Olesya V. Chubarova
Коллективный автор:
Институт космических и информационных технологий
Кафедра информационных систем
Applied Methods of Statistical Analysis Statistical Computation and SimulationКвартиль журнала в Scopus:
без квартиляБиблиографическое описание:
Alexander V. Medvedev. Adaptive algorithm of classifcation on the missing data [Текст] / Alexander V. Medvedev, Daniil A. Melekh, Natalia A. Sergeeva, Olesya V. Chubarova // Applied Methods of Statistical Analysis Statistical Computation and Simulation. — 2019. — С. 292-298Аннотация:
The problem of classi cation by data with gaps, bypassing the stage of their lling, is considered. An adaptive restructuring of algorithms is proposed as a result of the introduction of corresponding indicators into them. The indicators take into account the ow of current information, on the basis of which a decision is made to change the algorithm and the data processing technology itself at each cycle. Computational procedures are based on non-parametric estimation, are given their settings and the results of numerical modeling.
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