Simulation-dynamic model for calculating the equipment leasing
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URI (для ссылок/цитирований):
Бойко, А. А.
Кукарцев, В. В.
Тынченко, В. С.
Корнеева, А. А.
Кукарцев, В. А.
Михалев, А. С.
Коллективный автор:
Институт космических и информационных технологий
Политехнический институт
Институт нефти и газа
Институт управления бизнес-процессами и экономики
Базовая кафедра интеллектуальных систем управления
Кафедра информатики
Кафедра материаловедения и технологии обработки материалов
Кафедра технологических машин и оборудования нефтегазового комплекса
Кафедра бизнес-информатики
Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesКвартиль журнала в Scopus:
Q3Квартиль журнала в Web of Science:
без квартиляБиблиографическое описание:
Бойко, А. А. Simulation-dynamic model for calculating the equipment leasing [Текст] / А. А. Бойко, В. В. Кукарцев, В. С. Тынченко, А. А. Корнеева, В. А. Кукарцев, А. С. Михалев // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019.Аннотация:
The article presents a simulation-dynamic model for calculating leasing payments for leased equipment. The model was developed based on the system dynamics method using Powersim Studio tools. In the model, the calculations were carried out for financial leasing, regressive payment schedule and the method of minimum deductions. The model was used as a tool to study options for leasing payments with linear and non-linear deprecation methods, with a multiplying factor-accelerated depreciation. As a result of experiments with options, various amounts of leasing payments (depreciation, loan payments, commission fees, total leasing payments, etc.) were received. The conducted study allows us to conclude that the constructed simulated dynamic model is quite universal and on its basis, it is possible to carry out a variety of studies concerning various aspects of equipment leasing.