Synthesis of the Radio-navigation Signals Parameters Measured by an Exploded Antenna Elements
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Тяпкин, Валерий Николаевич
Дмитриев, Дмитрий Дмитриевич
Кремез, Николай Сергеевич
Тяпкин, Игорь Валерьевич
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Научно-исследовательская часть
Journal of Siberian Federal University - Mathematics and PhysicsКвартиль журнала в Scopus:
Q3Библиографическое описание:
Тяпкин, Валерий Николаевич. Synthesis of the Radio-navigation Signals Parameters Measured by an Exploded Antenna Elements [Текст] / Валерий Николаевич Тяпкин, Дмитрий Дмитриевич Дмитриев, Николай Сергеевич Кремез, Игорь Валерьевич Тяпкин // Journal of Siberian Federal University - Mathematics and Physics: Mathematics and Physics. — 2019. — Т. 12 (№ 6). — С. 772-779Аннотация:
Modern GNSS navigation equipment has a significant drawback — low noise immunity. To solve this problem, they are based on phased array antennas using adaptive signal processing algorithms. The final effect of such processing is determined by the level and completeness of using the existing differences, as well as the quality of accounting for each of them, depending on the degree of fame of the statistical characteristics of signals and interference. The article discusses the theory of synthesis of an algorithm for measuring the parameters of radio navigation signals received on spaced antennas under the influence of interference.